Model menu
Butterfly (Crow) mixer
F X - 4 0
This menu is
used for setting
up a mixer
which produces
a very powerful
braking effect
on the model by
deflecting both
ailerons up and
both brake flaps
down. The
function is parti-
cularly useful
for landing
models at res-
tricted flying
sites. If your model features a four-flap wing, it is a straightfor-
ward matter to program this mixer in such a way that that all
the wing control surfaces contribute to the braking effect.
A mixer curve can be programmed for the Butterfly function,
and it is triggered by a switch which you can select. As with
many functions, it is also possible to determine whether the
settings are to apply to all flight modes (Glob) or only to the
currently activated flight mode (Sepa). The transit speed of the
aileron and flap servos can be adjusted individually. A delay
time can be selected, and an Offset point programmed. It is
also possible to adjust the degree of aileron differential in this
Mark the button field for the ‘Butterfly’ mixer in the Model
menu. The screen now looks like this:
The first step is to activate the Butterfly mixer function in the
Status line. Mark the appropriate field, and the same field then
displays ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ instead of ‘INA’ (inactive), according to
the position of the switch.
The standard procedure is also employed to set global or
separate mode using the appropriate switch field in the
second line.
A switch can be defined to trigger the mixer, using the stan-
dard procedure: mark the appropriate field and define the des-
ired switch and its direction of operation in the switch select
menu which then appears. The default setting is ‘NONE’,
which means that the mixer is permanently switched on.
A reference point can be entered in the ‘Offset’ line in the form
of a percentage value: move the transmitter control which
actuates the wing flaps to the desired position, and mark the
field. The position of the transmitter control is now displayed
on-screen as a percentage figure, and at the same time the
familiar security query appears. Answer with ‘Yes’, and the
reference point for this mixer is defined.
If you wish to program a delay time to provide a smooth tran-
sition when you switch flight modes, you must first mark the
‘Delay’ line in the ‘Flight mode delay’ frame. You can now enter
a setting using the arrow buttons. The adjustment range is 0 to
27 increments. Please note: the higher the number, the longer
the delay. The maximum value (27 increments) corresponds to
a delay of nine seconds. A special switch can be used to
switch off the delay for particular situations; it can be selected
in the bottom line.
The servo transit speed can be adjusted individually in another
separate frame, using the time-honoured procedure. The
speed can be adjusted separately for each of the aileron and
flap servos, and for the ‘there’ and ‘back’ directions in each
You will find a separate frame on the screen in which you can
enter a percentage for the degree of aileron differential, again
using the arrow buttons. The direction of the differential effect
can also be corrected here if necessary. The adjustment range
is 0% to 120%; the default value is 0%. Pressing the ‘Reset’
button restores the default setting.
The main section of the screen is used in the familiar way for
setting the mixer rates for the (max.) four aileron servos and
flap servos, to suit the model type and wing type you have
selected. The screen shot below shows a typical example of
programming the Butterfly mixer.
Starting from the main display frame, activate the button fields
at the bottom of the screen to move to the AFR (D/R) curve
set-up menu for this mixer, and the programming menu for the
associated elevator trim compensation travels.
• Programming the curve
It is possible to program a curve for the effect of the Butter-
fly mixer. As an additional feature, the fields ‘Rate A and B’
can be marked to adjust the transmitter control travel sepa-
rately for each side of centre. The values are adjusted
exactly as described for programming the Dual Rate cur-
ves. Please refer to this in Section 17.2 on page 58.
Pressing the ‘D/R’ switch field displays the current Dual
Rate settings. The programming facilities here for adjusting
the Dual Rates values parallel those described in Section
17.2 on page 57.
The next step is to determine whether the graphic display is
to apply to all flight modes (All modes), the current active
flight mode (Separate) or the ‘AFR’ and ‘D/R’ settings (AFR
/ DR). Use the customary procedure to select your preferen-
It is also possible to optimise the servo transit speed to suit
this particular task. You can enter a speed separately for the
‘there’ and ‘back’ directions. The adjustment range is 0 to
27 increments. Please note: the higher the number, the
more slowly the servo moves. The maximum value (27
Brake flaps