Model menu Transmitter
control travel / Dual Rates
F X - 4 0
The purpose of the AFR function is to adjust the basic settings
of the transmitter controls and switches (channels 1 to 12, and
V1 to V4), individually for each flight mode. However, before
you change any transmitter control settings, it is important to
define the maximum servo travels using the ‘Servo travel set-
tings (ATV)’ function (see Section 16.11, Part 1). If you have
activated a mixer, you can use this function to alter the set-
tings for both channels simultaneously.
For each flight mode up to six switchable transmitter control
settings are available (D/R button), and they can be assigned
freely to any control function. Up to six different types are avai-
lable, from linear via exponential to curves, with two to a maxi-
mum of seventeen points.
All parameters can be adjusted at this point, including separa-
tely variable servo transit speed adjustment and delay for the
‘there’ and ‘back’ directions of travel. Another option is to set
group mode (effective in all flight modes) or individual mode
(effective only in a specific flight mode).
Mark the ‘Transmitter control (AFR-D/R)’ option in the Model
menu. The screen display now looks something like this:
All the settings can be changed in this display. Please use the
following procedure:
• Entering pre-set values
First mark the set-up field for the ‘Control function’ (top
right). The display now changes to show the select menu
for the individual channels.
In this display you can select the channel whose settings
you would like to change. In the screen shot above, this is
the Aileron function.
At this point you can also define whether the settings to be
entered apply to all flight modes (Glob) or only to one speci-
fic mode (Sepa). The default setting for all functions is ‘glo-
bal’ mode. To re-program this point, mark the correspon-
ding field and confirm the security query with ‘Yes’.
The purpose of the ‘Speed’ frame is to adjust the servo
transit speed. If you wish, you can enter a separate speed
for both directions (‘there’ and ‘back’). The adjustment
range is 0 to 27 increments.
Please note: the higher the number, the more slowly the
servo moves. The maximum value (27 increments) corres-
ponds to a duration of nine seconds. The default setting is
always ‘0’. When you mark one of the fields ‘there’ or
‘back’, the button fields for the arrows appear at the right
margin. It is possible to make adjustments in steps of one
increment (single arrow) or ten increments (double arrow).
Pressing the ‘Reset’ button restores the default setting.
Any one of six different curves can be selected for each
transmitter control. Simply mark the field bearing the name
of the curve shape you wish to use.
• Setting up switchable transmitter control travels (D/R)
Any one of six switchable transmitter control travels (‘D/R’)
can be set for each flight mode; the software offers six dif-
ferent curve types - Linear via Expo to Curve - for this
option. Mark the ‘D/R’ field: the display changes, and you
can enter your preferred settings in the sub-menu which
then appears.
The first step here is to activate the D/R settings you wish to
use by marking the first field in the appropriate line. The
function is then activated, and the screen display changes
from inactive (INA) to OFF.
Move to the ‘Function’ field and select the channel for
which the D/R setting is to apply. The default setting for all
six Dual Rate settings is the ‘Aileron’ function. To change
the function, simply mark the corresponding field and ans-
wer ‘Yes’ to the security query. The current transmitter con-
trol is then displayed in graphic form.
You now have to select an actuating switch. Mark the
appropriate field in the last column, then select your prefer-
red switch and its direction of operation in the usual way in
the switch select menu which now appears (see Section
17.1 on page 55). The sub-menu now displays ‘ON’ or ‘Off’
according to the position of the switch, and the correspon-
ding Dual Rate option will be displayed in the status line of
the main menu.
• Programming curves
The starting point for this process is to decide on the curve
type. In the main display mark the field which shows the
current curve type (e.g. ‘Linear’), and this will call up the
next sub-menu in which all six available curve types are dis-
played in symbolic form. Select your preference from this