Back panel sockets
F X - 4 0
Trainer (teacher / pupil) mode operations make it possible
for newcomers to learn the art of model flying with the help
of a tutor.
The FX-40 transmitter is equipped as standard with a socket
for a Trainer lead, so Trainer mode operations can be carried
out without further additions. The socket is located under a
hinged flap on the left-hand side of the transmitter.
Connect the Teacher and Pupil transmitters to each other
using the appropriate Trainer lead (see following list).
The FX-40 transmitter can be used as the Teacher transmitter
or the Pupil transmitter.
Please note the following points:
For Trainer operations the Pupil transmitter must have its
own power supply.
Connecting the Trainer lead usually switches the Pupil
transmitter on, although this does vary according to trans-
mitter type. To prevent the Pupil transmitter radiating an RF
signal, we recommend that you remove the crystal or the
RF module from the transmitter as well as the aerial.
The Pupil transmitter must be set to PPM (FM) modulation,
unless the Pupil unit is also an FX-40 or T14MZ transmitter.
If the transmitters are not set up with the same stick mode
(throttle left / throttle right), you must change the mode on
the Pupil transmitter (MODE 1 - 4).
Connect the Teacher transmitter to the Pupil transmitter
using the Trainer lead.
Switch on the Teacher transmitter.
The Pupil transmitter is usually switched on automatically
when you connect the Trainer cable; if not, switch it on
manually; this varies according to the Pupil transmitter
Check the control functions carefully on the Teacher trans-
mitter, then operate the Trainer switch and check the con-
trol functions from the Pupil transmitter.
Switch back to Teacher mode: control must revert to the
Teacher transmitter.
The FX-40 transmitter’s software allows you to select whether
the Pupil transmitter has its own mixer functions for controlling
the model, or whether the system should always use the Tea-
cher transmitter’s mixer functions. Alternatively mixed mode
operation is possible; in this case both transmitters are allo-
wed to control the model.
For more information on the settings required for these
arrangements please refer to the “Trainer” Set-up this is
part of the “System menu” section.
The FX-40 transmitter can be operated either as Teacher
transmitter or as Pupil transmitter in combination with a huge
variety of transmitters from the robbe / Futaba range. The fol-
lowing combinations are possible; the list also states the Trai-
ner leads required:
FX-40 transmitter as Teacher transmitter in conjunction with
the following Pupil transmitters:
T14MZ, FX-40, FF-9, FF-7 (T7CP), Skysport T4YF trans-
mitter = Trainer lead No. F1591
FX-14 / FX-18 transmitter = Trainer lead No. 8236
F-series transmitter with Trainer module 4 = Trainer lead
No. 8238
F-series transmitter with Trainer module 1 and 6-pin DIN
socket, Skysport 4 (T4VF), FF-6, FF-8 and PCM 1024-9Z =
Trainer lead No. F1592
FX-40 transmitter as Pupil transmitter in conjunction with the
following Teacher transmitters:
T14MZ, FX-40, FF-9, FF-7 (T7CP), Skysport T4YF trans-
mitter = Trainer lead No. F1591
FX-14 transmitter = Trainer lead No. 8236
Skysport 4 (T4VF), FF-6, FF-8 or PCM 1024-9Z transmitter
= Trainer lead No. F1592
FC-16, FC-18 or FC-28 transmitter and Trainer 1 module
with 6-pin DIN socket = Trainer lead No. F1592
FC-16, FC-18 or FC-28 transmitter and Trainer 4 module
(3.5 mm) = Trainer lead No. 8238
A DSC (Direct Servo Control) lead can also be connected to
the Trainer socket in order to con-
trol the receiver and the connec-
ted servos without radiating an RF
This can be helpful at a competi-
tion, for example; you may wish to
carry out adjustments when your spot frequency is already in
Note: the DSC function can only be used as an alternative to
the Trainer function. This means that you must first disable
(INA) Trainer mode in the “Trainer” set-up menu of the “System
Connect the DSC lead supplied in the set to the receiver
socket marked B/C.
Switch on the receiver power supply.
Now connect the plug to the transmitter; this automatically
switches the unit on without radiating an RF signal. The
screen displays the message
“DSC lead connected”
, and
the control signals are passed to the receiver via the cable.
To operate a flight simulator program using the FX-40 trans-
mitter you will need to use the adaptor lead, No. 8239, which is
available as an optional accessory.
In this case the transmitter must always be set to 8-channel
operation and FM modulation (see Base menu, Set-up menu
Above the Trainer socket you will find a 3.5 mm stereo barrel
socket which matches the connector of any standard stereo
If you connect headphones, all audible signals, music and
sound files are heard via the headset.
The volume can be controlled using any transmitter control of
your choice; the control is selected in the music PLAYER
If no headphones are connected, sound output is via the
transmitter’s internal loudspeaker.