Model menu
Rudder -> aileron mixer
F X - 4 0
This menu is
used for setting
up a mixer
which causes
the ailerons to
move in the
same direction
when an aileron
command is
This function is
employed pri-
marily with
model aircraft
where a scale control system is required, i.e. emulating a full-
size aircraft. However, the same mixer can also be useful when
flying particular manoeuvres in a 3-D aerobatic schedule.
Mark the ‘Rudder -> aileron’ mixer in the Model menu. The
screen now looks like this:
• Activating the mixer / defining the status
The function must first be activated, as previously descri-
bed. You can now set the ‘Glob’ or ‘Sepa’ mode in the cus-
tomary manner.
• Defining the switch
A switch can be defined for triggering the mixer; it is set up
in the usual way: simply mark the corresponding field and
define the switch you wish to use and its direction of opera-
tion in the switch select menu which then appears.
• Selecting the display type
You can now select your preferred display mode in the ‘Dis-
play’ field: the alternatives are to show all flight modes (All
modes), the currently active mode (Separate) or the fine-
tuning display (Fine).
• Defining a link
If you wish to link this mixer to another mixer, the appropri-
ate settings should be entered in the ‘Link’ line. You must
first activate this option, then define the mixer to which a
link is to be created.
• Programming the curve
A curve can be programmed to define the effect of the Rud-
der -> aileron mixer. In addition to selecting the curve type
for each side (Rate A and Rate B), you can also enter a per-
centage value. The settings are adjusted exactly as descri-
bed for programming the Dual Rate curves. Please refer to
this in Section 17.2 on page 58.
• Selecting the fine-tuning settings
It is possible to assign a switch or other transmitter control
to the task of fine-tuning this mixer. You can select this
option in the ‘Fine tuning’ frame. Mark this field, and the
transmitter control / switch select menu appears; now you
can select the transmitter control you wish to use for this
purpose. The default setting is ‘NONE’. Any of the auxiliary
transmitter controls can be selected. Your selection is dis-
played in the field.
The next step is to define the operating mode for the trans-
mitter control you have chosen; this is carried out using the
now familiar procedure: mark the field containing the sym-
bol for the effect of the transmitter control; the effect mode
changes each time you mark the field. You can choose from
a total of four modes, whose function is displayed in sche-
matic form on-screen. The meaning of the symbols and the
different modes is explained in the description on page 61.
Once you have selected a transmitter control for fine-
tuning, and programmed your preferred mode, you should
determine the effect range for the fine-tuning procedure.
The first step here is to mark the right field in the ‘Fine-
tuning’ frame. The arrow buttons now appear at the right
margin of the screen, and they are used to enter the effect
range as a percentage figure; the set value is displayed in
the appropriate field. The direction of effect can be reversed
if necessary by altering the prefix in the central field.
If you now operate the selected transmitter control, the
function is adjusted within the pre-defined range. The value
currently set is displayed in brackets below the field. At the
same time, a fine line is superimposed on the programmed
curve to indicate the alteration effected by the fine-tuning
V-tail Cross-tail
(Rudder 4)