Model menu
Fixed-wing model aircraft
F X - 4 0
You will find two button fields labelled ‘Current position’ (Cur.
pos.); these are used to call up and adjust the current posi-
tion of the throttle stick for the lower range from 0 to 49%
(min.) and for the upper range from 50 to 100% (max.). The
percentage values are displayed in their respective fields.
This screen shot shows a typical example of programming for
this sub-menu.
• Settings for particular throttle states
The software of the FX-40 provides two fixed throttle states
which you can adjust and call up at any time; these have
already been described in the Base menu.
- Motor cut-off function (motor off): Section 16.12, page 48
- Idle-up (Idle 2): Section 16.13, page 48
In this menu you can program the settings for actuating the
needle valve for these throttle states. When you activate
one of these functions, the throttle servo runs to a particular
position. At the same time the needle valve setting varies so
that the mixture is optimum for the new carburettor setting.
The settings are entered as percentage values using the
familiar procedure: mark the field, and enter the value using
the arrow buttons. In each case the setting is immediately
When you want to return to the first screen of this option, sim-
ply mark the ‘2/2’ button field in the top right corner.
In this Section we analyse the settings which are specific to
fixed-wing model aircraft. The options covered here are those
which have not already been discussed in Section 17 (see
page 54). From the main screen, activate the Model menu by
touching the field bearing the image of the model aircraft: the
overview of the model menus is now displayed. The options
included in the select menu vary according to the model type
you have chosen. The following illustration shows an overview
of the model menus for fixed-wing model aircraft.
In this Section we discuss those options which not yet been
analysed. To guide us through the possible functions we will
take a fully equipped model glider as the basis for the Model
menu. This means that the options specific to power models
are not covered; they are discussed in the following section.
Aileron diff.
= Differential aileron travel
Flap settings
= Wing flap adjustments
Ail. -> flap
= Aileron -> camber-changing flap mixer
Ail. -> brake flap
= Aileron -> brake flap
Aileron -> rudder
= Aileron -> rudder mixer
Airbrake -> elevator = Airbrake ? elevator mixer
Rudder -> aileron
= Rudder -> aileron mixer
= Camber-changing flap mixer
Elevator -> spoiler
= Elevator -> flap mixer
Flap -> elevator
= Flap -> elevator mixer
= Butterfly (crow) mixer
Trim Mix 1 and 2
= Trim mixers 1 and 2
= Gyro settings
= V-tail mixer
= Divided elevators with aileron function
= Winglet mixer for flying wing models
= Settings for electric motors
Rudder -> elevator = Rudder -> elevator mixer
Snap roll
= Snap roll
Multi motor
= Pre-sets for models with two or more