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RN.341.MY Yamaha Interface Card
The RN.341.MY card fits into a Yamaha MY-card expansion slot and gives
access to 16 in- and 16 out put channels.
A word clock in- and output is available to the YAMAHA host device via the
backplane multi-connector.
A front panel rotary switch is provided for device identification and selection
of up to 15 programmable routing tables.
The RN.341.MY makes the respective Yamaha product become a part of the
RockNet audio network.
It enables remote control of the RN.301.MI mic rophone preamplifiers by
connecting the HA REMOTE connector of the respective mixing console to
the associated connector of the RN.341.MY.
The card is compatible with the following Y amaha host devices:
Mixing Consoles:
01V, 01V96, DM1000, DM2000, LS 9, M7CL, PM5D, DIO8
DME24N, DME 32, DME64N
A/D, D/A converters:
AD824, DA824
RN.341.MY Features
Yamaha Mini YGDA I expansion slot compatible
Supports 16 and 8 channel emulation mode
LED Status indicators
Yamaha HA remote cont rol interface
CA T.5 redundant network interface
Free wheeling data interface
USB connector
Display and rotary switch for routing assignment
Multiple cards can be installed per Yamaha host product