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Independent Gain
The Independent Gain feature enables RockNet 300 users to do independent gain settings of up to 8
(eight) Yamaha digital mixing consoles in a single RockNet300 audio network.
Independent Gain is a feature of the RN.341.MY Yamaha interface cards. It is configurable by using
the “Edit Preset Window” of RockWorks.
RN.341.MY Y amaha Interfac e cards that are plugged into one Y amaha host product are put together
in the same so called Gain Group. All RN.341.MY interface cards within the same group are not com-
pensating the gain settings. In total 8 (eight) gain groups are available. They are simply numbered
from 1 (one) to 8 (eight).
The Yamaha host product that contains RN.341.MY interface cards configured to gain group number 1
(one) is the so called gain master. The gain master is the one that has access to the analog gain of
the RN.301.MI (on stage) and thus needs to careful not to drive the signal into clipping.
All other gain groups (two to eight) are so called gain slaves.
Any gain setting or adjustment of any of the consoles in a net work (no matter if it is the gain master or
one of the gain slaves) will be compensated on any other console of the network.
A concert with a FOH and Monitor cons ole is recorded via a separate rec ording console. The FOH
console has gain group one (gain master), t he monitor console has gain group two and t he recording
console has gain group t hree. If now the monit or mixer increases the gain of c hannel 16 by six dB,
channel 16 will be compensated accordingly at the FOH and recording console by decreasing the gain
of channel 16 by 6dB.
The gain compensation works either way (increase and decreas e). E ven if the gain master has turned
the gain down to -6dB all other consoles of the network can adjust the gain over the full range from -
6dB to +66dB. In such an unlik ely case the noise will be lifted accordingly and the signal will not be in
its best signal to noise ratio.
With Independent Gain RockNet resembles an analog passive split system instead of an analog active
split system.
In case two FOH consoles are us ed, the gain groups of the two consoles equipped with RN.341.MY
interface cards need to identical, e.g. gain group one. In this case no gain compens ation takes place
between the two FOH consoles.
Independent Gain requires a Yamaha remote cable c onnected at all consoles of the network that par-
ticipate in Independent Gain. If the Yamaha remote cable is missing at one of the consoles this con-
sole cannot communicate its gain settings to the network.