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Quad Assignment on the Front Panel
For Quad assignment changes push and hold both buttons underneath the respective display simulta-
neously to enable the assignment mode. This mode is indicated by flashing dis play settings. Now use
the + or – key to navigate through the available Quad numbers. After having selected the Quad num-
ber activate the new Quad setting by push and hold buttons simultaneously underneath the respective
1 & 2
Push and hold both buttons
Until display starts flashing
1 (-)
Use this button to decrement
Quad number
2 (+)
Use this number to increment
Quad number
Display is still flashing
1 & 2
Push and hold both buttons to
acknowledge new setting
Display stops flashing
Input Assi gnment (Add Quad)
Once an input or add Quad number is assigned, this particular Quad number is not available any more
for any other input Quad assignment. This mechanism guarantees unique input Quad numbers at
each single device as well as in wired and connected net works.
Output Assignment (Drop Quad)
Outputs do not have this locking mechanism. Output Quads are configured the same way as input
Quads. The same output Quad number can be configured multiple times in the same net work to dis-
tribute audio or to emulate an active split system.