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Quad assignment
General Information
After the RockNet audio net work has been build by
powering each device
connecting the CA T.5 network and
setting the synchronization master
RockNet is able to transport audio.
Any of the assignments described hereafter will immediately send audio to the respective output
channel. It is important to make sure t hat the system parameters are reflecting the c onnected loads
and sources individual needs to prevent dangerous noise levels or amplifier and sound system dam-
On an 8 channel input or output devic e 2 (two) Quad assignments have t o be performed. Input Quads
are called ADD QUA DS as t hey add audio to the network whereas out put Quads are called DROP
QUA DS as t hey drop copies of channels (basically splitting audio) from the audio network. Multiple
drops are possible to build a distribution or split system.
Quad assignments can quickly and easily be identified as in Default Mode of the display the left-hand
and middle display will permanently indicat e the current Quad assignments.
The left-hand display indicates the left-hand Quad number (channels 1 - 4 of this particular device) the
middle display indicates the right-hand Quad number (channels 5 - 8 of this particular device).
If no Quad is assigned the respective display shows two horizontal bars