Option: TC.ACS.CANmp Interface
Configuration of a CAN Protocol
Performance. Precision. Quality.
TC.ACS - Device Manual (V04.60) - 26.4.2022
63 / 66
12.5.4 Signal Attributes and their possible Values
Byte order:
Byte order Intel (little endian) means that the least significant byte is on the lowest
position of a signal. Byte order Motorola (big endian) means that the least significant
byte is on the highest position of a signal.
Start bit:
The start bit defines the positon of the first bit of a signal within a message. Valid
values are: Byte order Intel: 0, 16, 32, 48 and byte order Motorola: 8, 24, 40, 56.
Data type:
The configurable data types are depending on the choice of the signal (see chapters
Signal factor:
A signal is multiplied by the signal factor. It can be used to represent the number of
decimal places or to multiply the signal value (with low accuracy requirements) in a 16
bit signal, which would require at least a 32 bit signal (Uint32, Sint32, Float32). 0 to 3
decimal places (signal factor 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001) or a multiplication of the signal value
with 10, 100 or 1000 are default configurations. Is this not sufficient then could be
configured up to 3 customised signal factors. There are no limitations for the
configurable values. For the data types Float32 and Float64 is only the signal factor 1
configurable. Configurable signal factors depending on a signal are listed in the
Signal name:
The signal name defines which data in a message will be sent or received. The chapters
signals are configurable. In RX messages only RX signals and in TX messages only TX
signals can be configured.