Remote Commands to Perform Measurements with I/Q Data
FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
By default, the command returns all I/Q data in the memory. You can, however, narrow
down the amount of data that the command returns using the optional parameters.
If no parameters are specified with the command, the entire trace data is retrieved; in
this case, the command returns the same results as
that the
command initiates a new measurement before returning the
captured values, rather than returning the existing data in the memory.)
The command returns a comma-separated list of the measured values in floating point
format (comma-separated values = CSV). The number of values returned is 2 * the
number of complex samples.
The total number of complex samples is displayed in the channel bar in manual opera-
tion and can be calculated as:
<SampleRate> * <CaptureTime>
Query parameters:
Selects an offset at which the output of data should start in rela-
tion to the first data. If omitted, all captured samples are output,
starting with the first sample.
0 to <# of samples> – 1, with <# of samples> being
the maximum number of captured values
Number of samples you want to query, beginning at the offset
you have defined. If omitted, all captured samples (starting at
offset) are output.
1 to <# of samples> - <offset samples> with <# of
samples> maximum number of captured values
<# of samples>
Return values:
Measured value pair (I,Q) for each sample that has been recor-
By default, the first half of the list contains the I values, the sec-
ond half the Q values. The order can be configured using
The data format of the individual values depends on
Default unit: V
Retrieving Results