Remote Commands to Perform Measurements with I/Q Data
FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
Storing large amounts of I/Q data
When storing large amounts of I/Q data to a file, consider the following tips to improve
If capturing and storing the I/Q data is the main goal of the measurement and eval-
uation functions are not required, use the basic I/Q data acquisition mode (see
Use a HiSlip or raw socket connection to export the data from the R&S
FSV/A to a
Export the data in binary format rather than ASCII format (see
for Returned Values: ASCII Format and Binary Format"
Use the "Compatible" or "IQPair" data mode (see
Description for I/Q Data Files"
If only an extract of the available data is relevant, use the
command to store only the required section of data.
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Retrieving Captured I/Q Data
The raw captured I/Q data is output in the form of a list.
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This command initiates a measurement with the current settings and returns the cap-
tured data from I/Q measurements.
This command corresponds to:
However, the
command is quicker in comparison.
Using the command with the *RST values for the
command, the
following minimum buffer sizes for the response data are recommended: ASCII format
10 kBytes, binary format: 2 kBytes
Retrieving Results