FSV/A3000 I/Q
User Manual 1178.8536.02 ─ 01
About this Manual
This R&S
FSV/A I/Q Analyzer User Manual provides all the information
specific to the
application and processing I/Q data
. All general instrument functions and settings
common to all applications are described in the main R&S
FSV/A User Manual.
The main focus in this manual is on the measurement results and the tasks required to
obtain them. The following topics are included:
Welcome to the I/Q Analyzer application
Introduction to and getting familiar with the application
Typical Applications for the I/Q Analyzer and optional input interfaces
Example measurement scenarios for I/Q data import and analysis
Measurements and Result Displays
Details on supported measurements and their result types
Basics on I/Q Data Acquisition
Background information on basic terms and principles in the context of the I/Q Ana-
lyzer application as well as processing I/Q data in general
Configuration and Analysis
A concise description of all functions and settings available to import, capture and
analyze I/Q data in the I/Q Analyzer, with or without optional interfaces, with their
corresponding remote control command
How to Work with I/Q Data
The basic procedure to perform an I/Q Analyzer measurement with step-by-step
Optimizing and Troubleshooting the Measurement
Hints and tips on how to handle errors and optimize the test setup
Remote Commands to perform Measurements with I/Q Data
Remote commands required to configure and perform I/Q Analyzer measurements
or process digital I/Q data in a remote environment, sorted by tasks;
(Commands required to set up the environment or to perform common tasks on the
instrument are provided in the main R&S
FSV/A User Manual.)
Programming examples demonstrate the use of many commands and can usually
be executed directly for test purposes.
Reference material, e.g. I/Q file formats and a detailed description of the LVDS
List of remote commands
Alphabetical list of all remote commands described in the manual
About this Manual