Issue 1
SC7610 Sputter Coater
Manual Layout
This Operating Manual is divided up into the following major section, each chapter dealing with
specific topics, as follows:
Chapter 1 - Contents
Chapter 2 - Health and Safety
General section which applies to all Quorum Technologies products detailing the very
important issues of Health and Safety applicable when using sample preparation
Chapter 3 - Introduction
Introduces this manual.
Chapter 4 - General Description
Identifies each of the equipment items and provides an overview of their functions and
how they work.
Chapter 5 - Installation
Instructions on how this Instrument should be installed and the connections which should be
made between the equipment items.
Chapter 6 - Operation
Instructions on how to start-up and run the instrument.
Chapter 7 - Maintenance
Instructions on how to check the system is functioning correctly, and how to change
consumable items. Details of appropriate Spare parts.
Chapter 8 - Fault Finding
Information on how to identify faults in the system and how to rectify these faults.
Chapter 9 - Agents
List of agents supporting Quorum Technologies products.
Chapter 10 - Index