Issue 1
SC7610 Sputter Coater
Target Replacement
In normal use, erosion of the target will occur. Initally this will be seen as a ring on the surface of the
target. With further use, holes in the target (generally in a circular pattern) will become apparent.
When this occurs the target should be replaced.
Target Removal
Figure 7.1 – Target Replacement
Ensure power supplies to the Sputter Coater are set to
Disconnect the two electrical connections and the vacuum connection to the Top Plate
assembly. Cover the open vacuum chamber to guard against contamination by dust. Move
the Top Plate assembly to a clean working area.
Position the Top Plate with target facing upwards, on a clean working surface.
To release the Shroud, loosen the 3 mm set screw. Remove the Shroud.
Unscrew and remove the Target Clamp (if the Target Clamp will not unscrew, lubricate lightly
with isopropanol). Remove and discard the old target. If necessary clean the Magnet Holder
and Target Clamp, using a gentle abrasive material (Scotchbrite), rinse with isopropanol and
dry thoroughly.
Refit New Target
For replacement Target type and number, refer to Spares list Paragraph 7.5
Position the new target on the Magnet Holder, ensure target is lying flat.
Carefully fit the Clamp over the target, tighten until the target is securely clamped.
Re-fit the Shroud and secure using the M3 socket screw.
Position the Top Plate assembly on the vacuum chamber and reconnect the services
previously removed.
When taking the system back into service carry out the Test Procedure (see chapter 6.1),
this will ensure the system is thoroughly dried out.