Phcbi MCO-170AC Скачать руководство пользователя страница 75





Smaltimento di vecchie apparecchiature e batterie usate 

Solo  per  Unione  Europea  e  Nazioni  con  sistemi  di  raccolta  e 


Questi  simboli  sui  prodotti,  sull’imballaggio  e/o  sulle 

documentazioni  o  manuali  accompagnanti  i  prodotti 

indicano che i prodotti elettrici, elettronici e le batterie usate 

non devono essere buttati nei rifiuti domestici generici. 

Per  un  trattamento  adeguato  ,  recupero  e  riciclaggio  di 

vecchi prodotti e batterie usate vi invitiamo a portarli negli 

appositi punti di raccolta secondo la legislazione vigente nel 

vostro paese. 

Con  uno  smaltimento  corretto,  contribuirete  a  salvare 

importanti  risorse  e  ad  evitare  i  potenziali  effetti  negativi 

sulla salute umana e sull’ambiente. 

Per  ulteriori  informazioni  su  raccolta  e  riciclaggio,  vi 

invitiamo a contattare il vostro comune. 

Lo  smaltimento  non  corretto  di  questi  rifiuti  potrebbe 

comportare  sanzioni  in  accordo  con  la  legislazione 


Note per il simbolo batterie (simbolo sotto):


Questo simbolo può essere usato in combinazione con un 

simbolo  chimico.  In  questo  caso  è  conforme  ai  requisiti 

indicati dalla Direttiva per il prodotto chimico in questione. 

Eliminação de Equipamentos Usados e Baterias 

Apenas para a União Europeia e países com sistemas de reciclagem 

Estes  símbolos  nos  produtos,  embalagens,  e/ou 

documentos que os acompanham indicam que os produtos 

elétricos e eletrónicos e as baterias usados não podem ser 

misturados com os resíduos urbanos indiferenciados. 

Para  um  tratamento  adequado,  reutilização  e  reciclagem 

de produtos e baterias usados, solicitamos que os coloque 

em  pontos  de  recolha  próprios,  em  conformidade  com  a 

respetiva legislação nacional. 

Ao eliminar estes produtos corretamente estará a ajudar a 

poupar recursos valiosos e a prevenir quaisquer potenciais 

efeitos negativos sobre o ambiente e a saúde humana. 

Para mais informações acerca da recolha e reciclagem, por 

favor contacte a sua autarquia local. 

De acordo com a legislação nacional podem ser aplicadas 

contraordenações  pela  eliminação  incorreta  destes 


Nota  para  o  símbolo  da  bateria  (símbolo  na  parte 



Este  símbolo  pode  ser  utilizado  conjuntamente  com  um 

símbolo químico. Neste caso estará em conformidade com 

o estabelecido na Diretiva referente aos produtos químicos 

em causa. 

Depunerea la deşeuri a echipamentelor şi a bateriilor vechi 

Doar  pentru  Uniunea  Europeană  şi  pentru  ţările  cu  sisteme  de 


Aceste  simboluri  de  pe  produse,  ambalaje  şi/sau 

documentele însoţitoare indică faptul că produsele electrice 

şi  electronice,  precum  şi  bateriile  uzate  nu  trebuie  să  fie 

amestecate cu deşeurile menajere obişnuite. 

Pentru  un  tratament  corespunzător,  pentru  recuperarea  şi 

reciclarea  produselor  vechi  şi  a  bateriilor  uzate,  vă  rugăm 

să le depuneţi la punctele de colectare special amenajate, 

în conformitate cu legislaţia naţională 

Prin depunerea corespunzătoare a acestora la deşeuri, veţi 

ajuta la economisirea unor resurse valoroase şi veţi preveni 

potenţiale efecte negative asupra sănătăţii umane şi asupra 

mediului înconjurător. 

Pentru mai multe informaţii despre colectare şi reciclare, vă 

rugăm să contactaţi autorităţile locale. 

Este  posibil  ca  depunerea  incorectă  la  deşeuri  să  fie 

pedepsită în conformitate cu legile naţionale. 

Notă pentru simbolul de baterie (ultimele două exemple 

de simboluri):


Acest  simbol  poate  fi  utilizat  în  combinaţie  cu  un  simbol 

chimic.  În  acest  caz,  acesta  este  conform  cu  cerinţele 

stabilite de Directivă pentru elementul chimic în cauză. 

Indsamling af elektronikskrot og brugte batterier 

Kun for Den Europæiske Union og lande med retursystemer 

Disse  symboler  på  produkter,  emballage  og/eller 

ledsagedokumenter  betyder,  at  brugte  elektriske  og 

elektroniske  produkter  og  batterier  ikke  må  blandes  med 

almindeligt husholdningsaffald. 

For  korrekt  behandling,  indsamling  og  genbrug  af  gamle 

produkter  og  batterier,  skal  du  tage  dem  til 

indsamlingssteder i overensstemmelse med den  nationale 


Ved at skaffe sig af med dem på korrekt vis hjælper du med 

til  at  spare  værdifulde  ressourcer  og  forhindre  eventuelle 

negative påvirkninger af menneskers sundhed og miljøet. 

Ønsker  du  mere  udførlig  information  om  indsamling  og 

genbrug skal du kontakte din kommune. 

Usagkyndig bortskaffelse af elektronikskrot og batterier kan 

eventuelt udløse bødeforlæggelse. 

Information om batterisymbol (eksempler nedenfor):


Dette  symbol  kan  anvendes  sammen  med  et  kemisk 

symbol. I så fald opfylder det kravene for det direktiv, som 

er blevet fastlagt for det pågældende kemikalie. 

Senų prietaisų ir akumuliatorių utilizavimas 

Taikoma  tik  Europos  Sąjungai  ir  šalims,  kuriose  naudojamas 

perdirbimo sistemos 

Jei  ant  pakuotės  ir  (arba)  lydimuosiuose  dokumentuose 

nurodytas  šis  simbolis,  vadinasi,  naudotų  elektrinių  ir 

elektroninių gaminių ir akumuliatorių negalima išmesti kartu 

įprastomis buitinėmis atliekomis. 

Senus  produktus  ir  naudotus  akumuliatorius  perduokite 

apdirbti,  likviduoti  arba  perdirbti  kompetentingiems 

surinkimo punktams pagal įstatymų galios potvarkius. 

Šiuos gaminius ir akumuliatorius perdavę tinkamai utilizuoti, 

padėsite  išsaugoti  vertingus  išteklius  ir  išvengti  neigiamo 

poveikio žmogaus sveikatai ir aplinkai. 

Jei  norite  gauti  daugiau  informacijos  apie  surinkimą  ir 

perdirbimą,  kreipkitės  į  vietos  atliekų  utilizavimo  paslaugų 


Remiantis  šalyje  galiojančiais  potvarkiais,  už  netinkamą 

tokių atliekų utilizavimą gali būti skirta bauda. 

Akumuliatoriaus simbolio nuoroda (simbolis apačioje):


Kartu  su  šiuo  simboliu  gali  būti  pateiktas  cheminių 

medžiagų  simbolis.  Šis  simbolis  pateikiamas,  kai  būtina 

laikytis  atitinkamiems  chemikalams  taikomų  direktyvų 


Rimi ta’ Tagħmir Antik u Batteriji 

Għall-Unjoni Ewropea u għall-pajjiżi b’sistemi ta’ riċiklaġġ biss 

Dawn  is-simboli  fuq  il-prodotti,  l-imballaġġ  u/jew 

id-dokumenti ta’ akkumpanjament ifissru li prodotti elettriċi u 

elettroniċi  u  batteriji  użati  ma  jridux  jiġu  mħallta  ma’  skart 

domestiku ġenerali. 

Għal trattament, irkupru u riċiklaġġ xieraq ta’ prodotti antiki 

u  batteriji  użati,  jekk  jogħġbok  ħudhom  f’punti  tal-ġbir 

applikabbli f’konformità mal-leġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali tiegħek. 

Billi tarmihom b’mod xieraq, tgħin sabiex tikkonserva riżorsi 

prezzjużi  u  tipprevjeni  kwalunkwe  effett  negattiv  potenzjali 

fuq is-saħħa tal-bniedem u l-ambjent. 

Għal  aktar  informazzjoni  dwar  il-ġbir  u  r-riċiklaġġ,  jekk 

jogħġbok ikkuntattja lill-muniċipalità lokali tiegħek. 

F’każ ta’ rimi mhux korrett ta’ dan l-iskart jistgħu japplikaw 

penali, f’konformità mal-leġiżlazzjoni nazzjonali. 

Nota għas-simbolu tal-batterija (simbolu ta’ taħt):


Dan  is-simbolu  jista’  jintuża  f’kombinazzjoni  ma’  simbolu 

tal-kimika.  F’dan  il-każ  jikkonforma  mar-rekwiżit  stabbilit 

mid-Direttiva għall-kimika involuta. 

Zbrinjavanje starih uređaja i baterija 

Samo za Europsku uniju i zemlje koje posjeduju sustav recikliranja 

Ovaj simbol na proizvodima, pakiranju i/ili popratnim dokumentima znači da se iskorišteni električni i elektronički 

proizvodi te baterije ne smiju bacati u kućanski otpad. 

Molimo  vas  da  prema    zakonskim  odredbama  stare  proizvode  i  istrošene  baterije  predate  na  ovlaštenim 

sabiralištima na daljnju obradu, pripremu odn. recikliranje. 

Ako  te  proizvode  i  baterije  propisno  zbrinete,  pomažete  pri  zaštiti  dragocjenih  resursa,  a  istovremeno  i 

izbjegavate eventualne negativne utjecaje na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. 

Za više informacija o zbrinjavanju i recikliranju obratite se svojem lokalnom komunalnom poduzeću. 

Zbog  nepropisnog  zbrinjavanja  ovog  otpada  mogu  se,  ovisno  o  lokalnim  propisima  zemlje,  izreći  i  novčane 


Napomena za simbol baterije :


Ovaj  simbol  može  biti  prikazan  samo  u  kombinaciji  s kemijskim simbolom.  U  tom  se  slučaju  upotrebljava  na 

temelju zahtjeva onih direktiva koje su donesene za dotičnu kemikaliju. 



















Содержание MCO-170AC

Страница 1: ...CO 170AC Please read the operating instructions carefully before using this product and keep the operating instructions for future use See page 78 for model number Operating Instructions CO2 Incubator...

Страница 2: ...Removing inner attachments 21 Installing inner attachments 23 Filling the humidifying pan 24 FOR OPTIMAL CULTIVATION Precautions for cultures 25 Preventing contamination 26 CORRECT OPERATION 27 HOME...

Страница 3: ...Setting UV lamp ON period 56 UV lamp life indication 57 Setting UV timer extension 58 Lighting the UV lamp for 24 hours 59 GAS AUTO CHANGER OPTION Connecting CO2 gas cylinders 60 Automatic CO2 gas su...

Страница 4: ...the express written permission of PHC Corporation IMPORTANT NOTICE PHC Corporation guarantees this product under certain warranty conditions However please note that PHC Corporation shall not be resp...

Страница 5: ...igns could result in injury to personnel and damage to the unit and associated property Symbols have the following meaning This symbol means caution This symbol means an action is prohibited This symb...

Страница 6: ...nts to corrode leading to leakage and or electric shock due to the deterioration of insulation resulting from corroded electrical components Do not place this unit in a location where it is difficult...

Страница 7: ...upply cord may cause fire or electric shock Never disassemble repair or modify the unit yourself A high voltage area is located inside the unit Any work carried out by an unauthorized personnel may re...

Страница 8: ...quate ventilation Using CO2 gas in a small room without adequate ventilation may cause gas poisoning or oxygen deprivation In addition when opening the incubator doors do not directly inhale the air i...

Страница 9: ...vement to prevent damage or injury Prepare a safety check sheet copy the last page when you request any repair or maintenance for the safety of service personnel Do not climb on top of the incubator o...

Страница 10: ...UV lamp without the cover Personal injury Gas Poisoning or Oxygen Deprivation Environment When using CO2 gas ensure there is adequate ventilation Using CO2 gas in a small room without adequate ventil...

Страница 11: ...tes ON for a power switch Indicates OFF for a power switch ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS This equipment is designed to be safe at least under the following conditions based on the IEC 61010 1 Indoor use Al...

Страница 12: ...CO 170UVS is installed 2 Type FG 7P or FG 7PL When some inner attachments are removed Leveling eet Handle Control Panel 12 19 20 9 When 9 is removed Sample air outlet cap 17 16 15 2 14 13 Lower right...

Страница 13: ...differs depending on the environment 9 Switch cover Prevents shutting down of the unit in case of accidental pressing of the main power switch 10 Access port Place the silicon caps on both the outsid...

Страница 14: ...reen It is possible to set various setting on the menu screen On the screen other than the home screen pressing this key leads the home screen Cancel key CANCEL On the setting screen pressing this key...

Страница 15: ...ied service personnel Table 1 Behaviour of remote alarm when pressing BUZZER STOP key Remote Alarm setting Refer to pages 48 54 Connecting terminal Normal condition Abnormal condition Including in the...

Страница 16: ...ure to become too high Strong and level floor Select a site with a strong and level floor If the floor is uneven or the installation is not level the incubator will be unstable and this may cause acci...

Страница 17: ...rgent Wipe off the residual detergent with a wet cloth and then wipe off any moisture Note Remove the cable tie around the power supply cord to prevent corrosion of the cord coating 2 Set up the humid...

Страница 18: ...ersonnel Double stacking For stacking the incubators securely refer to the procedure included with the optional double stacking bracket MCO 170PS or the stacking plate MCO 170SB Note Two hooks are att...

Страница 19: ...folded If the CO2 gas is supplied to multiple CO2 incubators from a single gas cylinder a CO2 solid will be formed in the gas regulator The gas regulator safety valve will operate and there may be an...

Страница 20: ...r antiseptic solutions with acid alkali or chlorine Doing so may cause discoloration corrosion or rusting Be careful to keep the diluted detergent or water out of the temperature sensor the CO2 gas in...

Страница 21: ...he UV lamp in the duct When an optional UV system set MCO 170UVS is installed 1 Turn OFF the power to the incubator 2 Open the outer and inner doors and pull out all the trays Fig 1 3 Pull out the hum...

Страница 22: ...N 6 Loosen the screws at the rear and lift out the duct Fig 5 7 Pull out the fan Fig 6 8 Remove the silicon caps for the access port from the interior Fig 7 and exterior Fig 8 Duct Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 F...

Страница 23: ...he fan cover align the long hole of duct with the projection of the fan cover and push until it clicks into place Fig 3 The same applies for the humidifying pan cover Make sure that there is no space...

Страница 24: ...umidifying pan with water promptly when the volume of water decreases Mixing any reagent into the water for humidifying may have an adverse effect on the cultivation Do not add any reagent to the wate...

Страница 25: ...en closing the outer door Not doing so may cause injury by getting fingers caught in the door Do not lean on the outer door Doing so may result in injury from the outer door coming loose or the incuba...

Страница 26: ...s or trays dirty when taking them in and out Keep the chamber clean Wipe off any fingerprints If water spills from the humidifying pan or if the doors are left open for a long time condensation may fo...

Страница 27: ...ferring to page 20 3 Add approximately 1 5 L of sterile distilled water to the humidifying pan Refer to page 24 4 Connect the removable power supply cord to the port on the lower right side Note Two r...

Страница 28: ...he current value of the internal temperature It blinks when the current value of the internal temperature exceeds the set temperature warning range CO2 gas injection indicator Highlighted while CO2 ga...

Страница 29: ...If the left right keys are displayed the contents of the message number can be switched using the left and right keys Error Alarm display Displays the currently occurring error alarm See pages 67 68...

Страница 30: ...when displaying various log data on screen or to output it to a USB memory Move the cursor to this item and press the enter key ENTER to go to the Data Log screen Key lock settings Select this when c...

Страница 31: ...temperature alarm delay 49 CO2 Alarm Setting automatic set CO2 density alarm 50 CO2 Alarm Delay Setting automatic set CO2 density alarm delay 51 Other Alarm Set screen Door Alarm Delay Setting door al...

Страница 32: ...cursor using the left right keys and select the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 5 Press the enter key ENTER The input value will be confirmed and you will b...

Страница 33: ...ON OFF screen and the current set value ON will be displayed Fig 3 4 Use the up down keys to change the control setting value Each time the up down key is pressed the input value will change between...

Страница 34: ...the up down keys and press the enter key ENTER The right side of the display will change to the CO2 Setting screen and the current setting value 05 0 will be displayed Fig 3 4 Move the cursor using th...

Страница 35: ...en 3 Move the cursor on the Set Value screen to Overtemp Fig 2 using the up down keys and press the enter key ENTER The right side of the screen will change to the Overtemp screen and the current sett...

Страница 36: on the upper left of the screen highlighted press the enter key ENTER The display will change to the Data Select screen and the current setting value TEMP will be displayed Fig 4 5 Use the up down...

Страница 37: ...right keys to move the cursor to the digit you want to change change the numerical value using the up down keys 9 Press the enter key ENTER The data from the selected date will be displayed in a grap...

Страница 38: ...Even after the export of operation log data is complete operation log data saved in the incubator are not deleted The following messages may come up on the right side of the display USB memory is dis...

Страница 39: ...ght side of the display will change to the Date Select screen Fig 4 6 Move the cursor using the left right keys and select the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the numb...

Страница 40: ...t can be changed in the settings see page 63 Example When the device is set to A00001 and data from Jan 1 2019 Oct 1 2019 is output using All YY MM DD DD MM YY The oldest date of operation log date of...

Страница 41: ...nd then use the up down keys to change the number If the entered setting value is out of the setting range the following screen will be displayed on the right side of the display Press any key on the...

Страница 42: ...ursor on the Log Setting screen to Unique File ID Fig 3 using the up down keys and press the enter key ENTER The right side of the display will change to the Unique File ID screen Fig 4 5 Move the cur...

Страница 43: the Menu screen 2 Move the cursor on the Menu screen to Data Log Fig 1 using the up down keys and press the enter key ENTER The display will change to the Data Log screen 3 Move the cursor on the D...

Страница 44: ...of the display will change to the Date Select screen Fig 4 6 Move the cursor using the left right keys and select the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 7 Pres...

Страница 45: will be displayed with the device ID date and time of output and data name The date format can be changed in the settings see page 63 Example When the device is set to A00001 and data from Jan 1 20...

Страница 46: ...e cursor around to the digit to be changed on the password 6 digits use the up down keys to set the numerical value and press the enter key ENTER The Confirm Password screen will be displayed Fig 5 7...

Страница 47: displayed Fig 4 6 Use the left right keys to move the cursor around to the digit to be changed on the password 6 digits use the up down keys to set the numerical value and press the enter key ENTER...

Страница 48: ...displayed Fig 4 5 Move the cursor using the left right keys and select the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The input value will...

Страница 49: ...ect the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The input value will be confirmed and you will be returned to the Temp Gas Alarm Set scr...

Страница 50: ...ue 1 0 will be displayed Fig 4 5 Move the cursor using the left right keys and select the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The in...

Страница 51: ...digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The input value will be confirmed and you will be returned to the Temp Gas Alarm Set screen If...

Страница 52: ...want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The input value will be confirmed and you will be returned to the Other Alarm Set screen If the entered se...

Страница 53: ...n keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The input value will be confirmed and you will be returned to the Other Alarm Set screen If the entered setting value is out of the setting rang...

Страница 54: ...keys and press the enter key ENTER The display will change to the Other Alarm Set screen 4 Move the cursor on the Other Alarm Set screen to Remote Alarm Fig 3 using the up down keys and press the ent...

Страница 55: the lamp will turn OFF When the door is closed again the lamp will light for the preset period Repeated opening and closing of the outer door may adversely affect the condensation in the chamber an...

Страница 56: ...ting Time screen and the current setting value 10 will be displayed Fig 4 5 Move the cursor using the left right keys and select the digit you want to change and then use the up down keys to change th...

Страница 57: ...the UV Setting screen to UV Life Counter Fig 3 using the up down keys and press the enter key ENTER The right side of the display will change to the UV Life Counter screen and the current cumulative U...

Страница 58: ...ress the enter key ENTER The display will change to the UV Setting screen 4 Move the cursor on the UV Setting screen to Auto Extended Time Fig 3 using the up down keys and press the enter key ENTER Th...

Страница 59: ...display will change to the UV 24h Mode Start setting screen and the current setting value OFF will be displayed Fig 4 8 Use the up down keys to change the UV 24h lighting mode setting value to ON Eac...

Страница 60: ...formed in the gas regulator The gas regulator safety valve will operate and it may make an explosive sound 4 After connecting the gas tube make sure that no gas is leaking ex by using a gas leak dete...

Страница 61: ...O2 gas supply line automatic changeover Situation CO2 gas CO2 gas supply line indicator Message display field Supply line Cylinder A Cylinder B A B 1 CO2 gas is supplying from valve A A Remaining Rema...

Страница 62: ...y ENTER The input value will be confirmed and you will be returned to the Gas Supply Setting screen 7 Press the menu key MENU HOME to display the home screen The display returns to the home screen aut...

Страница 63: the enter key ENTER The right side of the display will change to the Date Format screen and the current setting value DD MM YY will be displayed Fig 4 5 Use the up down keys to change the date f...

Страница 64: you want to change and then use the up down keys to change the number Even when the date display format is DD MM YY the numerical values can be changed in the same way 6 Press the enter key ENTER T...

Страница 65: ...then use the up down keys to change the number 6 Press the enter key ENTER The input is confirmed and you will be returned to the Date Time screen When the entered time is out of the setting range th...

Страница 66: ...ess the enter key ENTER The right side of the display will change to the Keypad Click Set screen and the current setting value ON will be displayed Fig 4 5 Use the up down keys to change the key opera...

Страница 67: ...F Err 09 AT Sensor Open The ambient temperature sensor is disconnected Ambient temperature sensor error Err 10 AT Sensor Short The ambient temperature sensor is short circuited Err 11 CO2 Sensor Error...

Страница 68: ...nt tone after set time of alarm delay 0 min to 15 min has elapsed ON after set time of alarm delay 0 min to 15 min has elapsed Warning UV Bulb Life The accumulated ON time has reached approx 5 000h Ne...

Страница 69: Back set time passes When pressing the BUZZER STOP key When the Ring Back set time passes ON Remote alarm setting not connected with BUZZER STOP key ON ON ON Under continuation ON Continue ON Under...

Страница 70: ...k A primary pressure reading of 3 8 MPa G 38 kgf cm2 G 551 psi G or lower is a sign that there is little gas remaining Replace the cylinder soon Is the incubator operating beside an appliance that gen...

Страница 71: ...O2 control for the incubator follows the ON OFF method CO2 gas is intermittently injected as the gas density in the chamber approaches the set value Injections may be stopped for periods of approximat...

Страница 72: ...tact our sales representative or agent for further information Improper handling of biohazardous waste can result in accidental exposure to infectious agents If there is a danger of biohazard decontam...

Страница 73: ...z s megakad lyozza az emberi eg szs g s a k rnyezet k rosod s t Amennyiben a begy jt ssel s jrafelhaszn l ssal kapcsolatban tov bbi k rd se lenne k rj k rdekl dj n a helyi nkorm nyzatn l E hullad kok...

Страница 74: ...cycling gem den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen den zust ndigen Sammelpunkten zu Endnutzer sind in Deutschland gesetzlich zur R ckgabe von Altbatterien an einer geeigneten Annahmestelle verpflichtet Batteri...

Страница 75: almindeligt husholdningsaffald For korrekt behandling indsamling og genbrug af gamle produkter og batterier skal du tage dem til indsamlingssteder i overensstemmelse med den nationale lovgivning...

Страница 76: ...weg te gooien helpt u mee met het besparen van kostbare hulpbronnen en voorkomt u potenti le negatieve effecten op de volksgezondheid en het milieu Voor meer informatie over inzameling en recycling ku...

Страница 77: ...connection 4 mm to 6 mm 0 157 in to 0 236 in diameter tube can be connected CO2 inlet pressure 0 03 MPa G 0 1 MPa G 0 3 kgf cm2 G 1 kgf cm2 G 4 4 psi G 14 5 psi G Weight 74 kg Accessories 1 power sup...

Страница 78: ...performance may not be obtained if the ambient temperature is not above 15 o C Noise level 29 dB A scale Power consumption Max 298 W Heat emission Max 1 050 kJ h Rated voltage frequency AC 220 V 240 V...

Страница 79: ...of the unit Unit interior No contamination Decontaminated Contaminated Others 3 Instructions for safe repair maintenance disposal of the unit a The unit is safe b There is some danger see below Proce...

Страница 80: ...ting Instructions 1 1 1 Sakada Oizumi machi Ora gun Gunma 370 0596 Japan EU countries only PHC Corporation 2018 Nijverheidsweg 120 4879 AZ Etten Leur The Netherlands Printed in Indonesia LDCL055800 0...
