9.7 Net wrap system
In an Auto cycle, the control box emits a series of beeps when the bale chamber is full.
When the bale has reached the predetermined density, this alerts the operator that
netting is about to start. Net will automatically feed after a preset amount of time.
Next, a continuous beep informs the operator that the netting has started. After the
preset number of net layers are applied to the bale, the net is cut. The chamber door
can then be opened to eject the bale from the bale chamber. Once the bale is ejected,
the chamber door can then be closed and baling can resume, as normal. In Auto mode,
pressing and holding the ‘Net On / Net Delay’ button, will delay netting start when the
bale chamber is full.
In Manual mode, when the bale chamber is full a series of warning beeps will sound.
The ‘Net
On / Net Delay’ button needs to be pressed on the control unit to manually
begin feeding net. When the correct amount of net is applied, the net knife trips and
cuts the net, a short beep will sound to alert the operator to open the chamber door and
eject the bale. If the net breaks or runs out then an arrow will flash at the netting symbol
on the control unit, followed by a series of warning beeps. When the chamber door is
fully closed again, a 1 second beep will sound to indicate that baling can resume and
1 bale will be added to the bale counters.
9.8 Net tension adjustment
The tension on the net is achieved by means of a variable pulley. The net can be
tensioned from
0 to 7% stretch, depending on the quality of net used and the
percentage dry matter of the material being baled. The machines are pre-set at 2%
recommend using a lower percentage stretch when baling dry matter
material like hay and straw and a higher percentage stretch for material like grass.
These percentages will vary depending on bale density and type of crop being baled.
The following steps show how to adjust the variable pulley.
WARNING: When netting starts, stop forward movement!
The operator must stop the forward movement of the tractor at once!
CAUTION: Bale size should not exceed 1.27 m in diameter
Always ensure that the bale size does not exceed 1.27 m in diameter.
Bales with a bale size in excess of 1.27 m in diameter may result in
damage to the net.
WARNING: Ensure the tractor is shut down before adjusting
Never adjust the net tension while the baler PTO shaft is engaged or
while the tractor is running. Shut down the tractor, remove the ignition
key, apply the parking brake and prevent any machine movement with
wheel chocks.