6.11 Drawbar adjustment
This adjustment should be carried out on a level concrete surface, with the tractor hitch
aligned such that the exact adjustment can be monitored. Ensure that the tractor
engine has been shut down, the ignition key removed and the brakes applied. The
machine handbrake must be applied, the main wheels chocked, with the front end of
the machine (under the chopper unit) supported on axle stands.
The drawbar should be adjusted so that the machine is level and horizontal to the
ground when in the working position, see below. To adjust, first remove the safety bolts,
then slacken the hinge bolts (C), but do not remove. The hitch eye can be adjusted to
different height positions by repositioning bolts (B) in alternating hole positions. It can
then be re-adjusted locally by loosening bolts (A & D) to ensure it is level. Once the
desired height is achieved, ensure that bolts (A & B) are tightened to a torque value of
750 Nm and the 30 mm top drawbar hinge bolts (C) tightened to a torque value of
1,500 Nm. Tighten bolt (D) and reposition and tighten safety bolts.
WARNING: Adjustment to be completed by qualified persons only
This work should only be carried out by qualified persons or your
NOTE: The drawbar bolts must be inspected every two weeks
The main drawbar bolts (A & B) along with hinge bolt (C) must be
inspected once every two weeks.
Hitch eye
Safety bolt