Possible Causes
2. Lack of Inspiratory Flow;
2. Check if there is inspiratory flow and increase,
if necessary;
3. Change in the Patient’s Respiratory Mechanics;
3. Set new parameters for ventilatory support;
4. Diaphragm of exhalation valve mounted incorrectly or
4. Replace the diaphragm in the correct position
or replace diaphragm with a new one;
5. Failure in the electronic system of pressure control;
5. Contact Technical Assistance / Magnamed
6. Circuit integrity
6. Check circuit integrity and replace circuit if
Low Pressure Alarm
1. Change in Patient’s Respiratory Mechanics;
1. Set new parameters for ventilatory support;
2. Excessive leakage in the breathing circuit;
2. Locate the leak and correct it;
High Pressure Alarm
1. Change in the Patient’s
Respiratory Mechanics;
1. Set new parameters for ventilatory support;
2. Obstruction in the expiratory limb of the breathing
circuit or exhalation valve;
2. Clear it;
3. Obstruction of the airway of the patient;
3. Clear or aspirate the airway of the patient;
Low Battery Alarm
1. End of charge of the internal battery after use without
1. Immediately restore the connection of the
equipment to a mains or turn off the equipment
and provide means of ventilatory support to the
2. Failure in the charging system of the internal battery,
even with the presence of electric power;
2. Contact Technical Assistance / Magnamed;
AC input fail alarm
1. Disconnection to the power cord;
1. Restore connection of the equipment to a
mains or use the equipment with internal battery
for transportation;
2. Failure in the electrical grid;
2. Restore power grid;
Apnea alarm
1. Spontaneous breathing of the patient was
2. Adjusted apnea time is greater than the patient's
respiratory rate.
1. Change the ventilation mode from
spontaneous to assisted-controlled.
2. Increase the adjusted apnea time or decrease
the patient's respiratory rate.
Low O
Pressure alarm
1. Pressure of the O2 supply is low
2. O2 hose is not connected to the equipment
1. Increase the O2 supply pressure or change
the O2 cylinder.