TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
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November 2018
TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
Piston Inspection
Copy and complete the Piston Inspection Checklist for TEO-540-C1A Engine Models.
Piston Inspection Checklist for TEO-540-C1A Engine Models
Engine Serial Number:___________________________Engine Time:________________________
Date Inspection Done:___________________Inspection done by:____________________________
Inspection Item
Findings/Corrective Action
Examine the entire piston for damage or
discoloration from burns.
Before cleaning the piston, examine the following
areas on the piston for pitting, cavities and surface
distortion (which can be an indication of detonation
or pre-ignition):
Top of the piston
Piston ring lands and grooves
Piston pin holes
Piston pin hole bosses
Look for deposits or damage
Complete the “Piston Cleaning” procedure in
Chapter 05-30.
Surface distortion can be an indication
of detonation or pre-ignition.
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4
Cylinder 5
Cylinder 6
After Cleaning:
Look for cracks on the piston head or skirt.
Replace the piston if a crack is found.
Look for bent or broken lands. Replace the
piston if the land is broken or bent.
Look for scoring on the piston skirt, damage or
discoloration from burns. Replace the piston if
scoring, damage or discoloration is found.
Identify and correct the cause.
Examine the piston grooves for wear. Replace
the piston if high ridges are on the lower lands.*
Cylinder 1
Cylinder 2
Cylinder 3
Cylinder 4
Cylinder 5
Cylinder 6
* High ridges of displaced metal can interfere with operation of new piston rings. The displaced metal
can cause excessive piston ring clearance in the valleys.