Chapter 3 • ADM technology
Connection of detectors Labor Strauss [Initialize new devices] – AUTO-addressing of new elements
The below diagram shows an example of an existing loop, where two new elements are to be inserted.
The new elements have the address 255 (factory default value).
The address assignment can be started directly via the fire detection panel or via PARSOFT. Please note
that elements on a branch have to be removed
starting the addressing procedure.
The Initialization of new devices is started via
by selecting the following menu item:
[Communication] - [Initialize new devices]
Starting the AUTO-setup at the
control panel
(authorisation level 3) is done by selecting:
[Parameter settings]
[Initialize new devices]
The fire detection control panel looks for the first free loop address for AUTO-addressing (this is the
address following the highest used loop address). Subsequently, the panel searches for devices with
address 255 – a new element. If a new element is detected, the first free address will be assigned to it.
This process is repeated until all elements are addressed or address 240 is reached. If a loop element
with address 240 is already present, NO automatic address assignment is carried out – even if lower
addresses are still unused.
Connection-LST.odt / 2009 / AN9161298