Chapter 3 • ADM technology
Connection of detectors Labor Strauss
Control modules
The control modules Series FI700 are each available in two different versions:
with one supervised output
with one none-supervised relay output with two separate contacts.
Control modules with supervision
The Control Modules FI700/M1OUT, FI700/MM1OUT and FI700/MDR1OUT are used for the activa-
tion of external line-monitored devices (fire controls, acoustical alarming devices, remote indicators,
The devices mentioned above must not be powered by the detector circuit (loop). An additional power
supply with appropriate power is therefore required!
If the module is powered by an external power supply, the country-specific regulations concerning
emergency power supply have to be observed.
The output of the modules is line-monitored and a bi-coloured LED indicates the condition of the out-
put. Function of the LED
L2 indicates the condition of the output. It illuminates GREEN in case of activation and illuminates
YELLOW in the event of a fault (monitored output). Address setting
Detailed information can be found on page 95 in Chapter 3.3: „Address programming of loop ele-
Connection-LST.odt / 2009 / AN9161298