Connection of detectors Labor Strauss
Chapter 3 • ADM technology
After the initialisation of the element addresses (to 255), the addresses are reassigned based on the ele-
ment's loop position. After the AUTO-setup, automatically addressed elements are displayed as AUTO-
setup elements in PARSOFT and also on the fire detection control panel. If no address has been
assigned to one or more elements, the error message „
Detector with addr. 0 installed
“ is dis-
played for each of these elements after a restart of the fire detection control panel. This message is also
displayed for a not addressed module. Such a message is an indicator of a faulty wiring of the loop.
The addresses are assigned in ascending order. It should be noted that elements which are located on a
branch line must be addressed manually. In the above example address 16 is assigned.
Connection-LST.odt / 2009 / AN9161298