8 Planning a Safety Project with LinMot Components
This chapter provides an overview of the general planning process for a safety project using LinMot products.
Machinery Directive
This description applies only to machines as defined by the Machinery Directive.
The relevant standards must be available to the user. The following description cannot replace the
standard. Typically, the current version of EN ISO 13849-1 and EN ISO 13849-2 or EN 62061 should be
available as a minimum. Further useful information can be found in IFA report 2/2017
Type C standard
Before you start the following process, you should check whether a type C standard is available for your
machine. If this is the case, please follow the steps and instructions given there. If no type C standard is
available, you can use the process described below as a guide for the steps to be performed.
Use LinMot-Designer for Dimensioning
For a safe and reliable function of a machine, it is important, that the dimensioning of the used components
is adequate. Use the LinMot-Designer to select the fitting components. Also consider a thermal reserve.
8.1 Identifying the risks and hazards
DIN EN ISO 12100 defines an iterative process for risk minimization, for eliminating hazards or for reducing the risk at
machines. It describes the process of risk minimization in a three-step method. In the first step, the machine should be
designed to be inherently safe. If this is not possible, technical protective measures can be taken to minimize the risk. In
the last step, user information about the residual risk can be provided. In the first step, the risks and hazards and thus
the safety functions must be identified. machine manufacturers require precise knowledge of the operation of their
machine in order to identify risks and hazards. Referring to Annex B of EN ISO 12100:2010 is helpful for this purpose.
This risk and hazard analysis should be carried out by persons with knowledge in different areas (mechanics, electrics,
hydraulics, software, maintenance, ...). All operating modes and conditions must be considered, including
commissioning, maintenance/servicing, normal operation and decommissioning. The reasons for or against a particular
decision should also be documented. Make sure that your arguments and justifications are understandable and
conclusive. In this context, it is particularly important to note that safety measures must not yet be considered when
assessing the risk. When all persons involved in the process agree with the result of the analysis, it should be signed by
8.2 Determining the PLr / SIL
For each safety function (SF) of the machine identified in the risk and hazard analysis, the machine manufacturer or
user must determine the required Performance Level or SIL Level. The SIL level is determined based on the description
in Annex A of EN 62061. The performance level is determined based on the risk graph for determining the PLr according
to /ISO13849-1/. Information on the risk graph can be found in Annex A of /ISO13849-1/.
2S Drive Systems / 0185-1174_E_1V1_SM_C1251-2S / NTI AG
0185-1174_E_1V1_SM_C1251-2S / 2021-11-26 16:43 (Rev. 12500)
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