SFA-5000 • SFA-10000 EtherCAT
6.2.6 SDO Abort codes
SDO transfer could be unsuccessful; causes of error are listed and described in
the SDO Abort Codes. Here follows the list of the available SDO Abort Codes. For
complete information see ETG1000.6 “EtherCAT Specification – Part 6.
Application Layer protocol specification”, par., table 40.
Abort code
0503 0000h
Toggle bit not changed.
0504 0000h
SDO protocol timeout.
0504 0001h
Client/Server command specifier not valid or unknown.
0504 0005h
Out of memory.
0601 0000h
Unsupported access to an object.
0601 0001h
Attempt to read a write only object.
0601 0002h
Attempt to write a read only object.
0602 0000h
The object does not exist in the object dictionary.
0604 0041h
The object cannot be mapped into the PDO.
0604 0042h
The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed PDO
0604 0043h
General parameter incompatibility reason.
0604 0047h
General internal incompatibility in the device.
0606 0000h
Access failed due to a hardware error.
0607 0010h
Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match
0607 0012h
Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
0607 0013h
Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
0609 0011h
Subindex does not exist.
0609 0030h
Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access).
0609 0031h
Value of parameter written too high.
0609 0032h
Value of parameter written too low.
0609 0036h
Maximum value is less than minimum value.
0800 0000h
General error
0800 0020h
Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application.
0800 0021h
Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of local
0800 0022h
Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the
present device state.
0800 0023h
Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is
Refer also to the “4.6 Diagnostic LEDs” section on page 26.
MAN SFA_5000_10000_EC E 1.0.odt
6 - EtherCAT® interface
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