Instance of a change of conditions.
Event data
Medium priority real-time data that is transferred by a CIP
Motion connection only after a specified event occurs.
Feed forward
Command value used to compensate the lag in the control
Feedback variable
Variable which represents a controlled variable and which is
returned to a comparing element.
Fieldbus memory
management unit
Function that establishes one or several correspondences
between logical addresses and physical memory.
Fieldbus memory
management unit entity
Single element of the fieldbus memory management unit: one
correspondence between a coherent logical address space and
a coherent physical memory location.
Denigrated synonym for DLPDU.
Asynchronous communication mode.
Full Slave
Slave device that supports both physical and logical
addressing of data.
Functional element
Entity of software or software combined with hardware,
capable of accomplishing a specified function of a device.
Human Machine Interface.
Device that covers the automation functionality of an
automation device.
I/O data
Input data and output data that would typically need to be
updated on a regular basis (e.g. periodic change of state), such
as commands, set-points, status and actual values.
Identification number
Designation of operating data under which a data block is
preserved with its attribute, name, unit, minimum and
maximum input values, and the data.
Address of an object within an application process.
Input data
Data transferred from an external source into a device,
resource or functional element.
Shared boundary between two entities defined by functional
characteristics, signal characteristics, or other characteristics
as appropriate.
Little endian
Data representation of multi-octet fields where the least
significant octet is transmitted first.
Logical power drive
Model which includes PDS and communication network
accessible through the generic PDS interface.
Correspondence between two objects in that way that one
object is part of the other object.
Mapping parameters
Set of values defining the correspondence between
application objects and process data objects.