SFA-5000 • SFA-10000 EtherCAT
Standardised Device Profile Area objects (DS 406)
6000-00 Operating parameters
[Unsigned16, rw]
bit = 0
bit = 1
Count up
rewinding the
Count up
pulling the
wire out
not used
3 … 15
not used
Default values are highlighted in bold
Default = 0100h
Code sequence
This is intended to set whether the count increases (count up information) when
you rewind the wire or when you pull the wire out.
Setting 0 (bit 0
= 0) causes the position value to increase when
you rewind the wire; on the contrary, setting 1 (bit 0
causes the position value to increase when you pull the wire out.
Default = 1
is currently set to “Count up rewinding
the wire” or “Count up pulling the wire out”, you can read the bit 0
of the
, then you are required to set a new
Scaling function
This is meant to enable / disable the scaling parameters
When the scaling function is disabled (bit 2
uses its own physical resolution (i.e. hardware counts per revolution and number
of hardware revolutions, see the encoder identification label and the
Hardware counts per revolution
6502-00 Hardware number of turns
objects; see also on page 21) to arrange the absolute position information.
On the contrary, when the scaling function is enabled (bit 2
1), the encoder uses the custom resolution set next to the
following relation:
MAN SFA_5000_10000_EC E 1.0.odt
6 - EtherCAT® interface
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