Application layer protocol as defined in EN 50325-4.
Representation of a single physical or logical management
object of a Slave to control conveyance of data.
Common Industrial Protocol (see IEC 61158 Type 2, IEC 61784-
1 and IEC 61784-2 CPF2).
Description of a set of objects that share the same attributes,
operations, methods, relationships, and semantics.
Object which uses the services of another (Server) object to
perform a task.
Initiator of a message to which a Server reacts.
Clock synchronization
Representation of a sequence of interactions to synchronize
the clocks of all time receivers by a time Master.
Set of commands from the application control program to the
PDS to control the behaviour of the PDS or functional
elements of the PDS.
Communication cycle
Accumulation of all telegrams between two Master
synchronization telegrams.
Communication object
Component that manages and provides a run time exchange
of messages across the network.
Logical binding between two application objects within the
same or different devices.
Act of receiving data from a provider.
Node or sink receiving data from a provider.
Purposeful action on or in a process to meet specified
Control device
Physical unit that contains – in a module/subassembly or
device – an application program to control the PDS.
Control unit
Control device.
Control word
Two adjacent bytes inside the Master data telegram
containing commands for the addressed drive.
Controlling device which is associated with one or more drives
(axes) a host for the overall automation.
Conveyance path
Unidirectional flow of APDUs across an application
Cycle time
Time span between two consecutive cyclically recurring
Events which repeat in a regular and repetitive manner.
Cyclic data
Part of the telegram which does not change its meaning
during cyclic operation of the interface.
High priority real-time data that is transferred by a CIP Motion
connection on a periodic basis.
Generic term used to refer to any information carried over a