Sub-address of an object within the object dictionary.
Engineering device which manages provisions of configuration
data (parameter sets) and collections of diagnosis data from
P-Devices and/or controllers.
MAC bridge as defined in IEEE 802.1D.
Sync Manager
Sync Manager has the task of synchronizing data transfer
between Master and Slave and prevents the same memory
area from being written by different events.
Collection of control elements to coordinate access to
concurrently used objects.
Sync manager channel
Single control elements to coordinate access to concurrently
used objects.
Condition where the local clock value on the drive is locked
onto the Master clock of the distributed System Time.
Synchronous with DC
In this operating mode data is sampled and then copied into
Sync Manager buffer simultaneously at SYNC0 event
generated by the ESC capture/compare unit.
Synchronous with SM3
In this mode data is sampled and then copied into Sync
Manager buffer as soon as previous data was read from the
Master (SM event); in this way new sampled data is
synchronous with Master readings.
System Time
Absolute time value as defined in the CIP Sync specification in
the context of a distributed time system where all devices
have a local clock that is synchronised with a common Master
Time stamp
System Time stamp value associated with the CIP Motion
connection data that conveys the absolute time when the
associated data was captured, or that can also be used to
determine when the associated data shall be applied.
Physical network architecture with respect to the connection
between the stations of the communication system.
Hardware or software element which specifies the common
attributes shared by all instances of the type.
Use case
Class specification of a sequence of actions, including variants,
that a system (or other entity) can perform, interacting with
actors of the system.
Software entity that may take different values, one at a time.