Device that controls the data transfer on the network and
initiates the media access of the Slaves by sending messages
and that constitutes the interface to the control system.
Node, which assigns the other nodes the right to transmit.
Master data telegram
Telegram, in which the Master inserts its data.
Cable, optical fibre or other means by which communication
signals are transmitted between two or more points.
Ordered series of octets intended to convey information.
Normally used to convey information between peers at the
application layer.
Mathematical or physical representation of a system or a
process, based with sufficient precision upon known laws,
identification or specified suppositions.
Any aspect of the dynamics of an axis.
Motion Axis Object
Object that defines the attributes, services, and behaviour of a
motion device based axis (or PDS) according to the CIP Motion
specification, including Communications, Device Control, and
Basic Drive FE elements as defined in IEC 61800-7.
Set of nodes connected by some type of communication
medium, including any intervening repeaters, bridges, routers
and lower-layer gateways.
Single DL-entity as it appears on one local link.
End-point of a link in a network or a point at which two or
more links meet [derived from IEC 61158-2].
Abstract representation of a particular component within a
An object can be:
1. an abstract representation of the capabilities of a
device. Objects can be composed of any or all of the
following components:
data (information which changes with time);
configuration (parameters for behaviour);
methods (things that can be done using data and
2. a collection of related data (in the form of variables)
and methods (procedures) for operating on that data
that have clearly defined interface and behaviour.
Object dictionary
Data structure addressed by Index and Sub-index that
contains description of data type objects, communication
objects and application objects.
List of objects with unique 16-bit index and 8-bit sub-index as
defined in EN 50325-4.
Operating cycle
Period of the control loop within the drive or the control unit.
Operating mode
Characterization of the way and the extent to which the
human operator intervenes in the control equipment.