SFA-5000 • SFA-10000 EtherCAT
To avoid counting errors, check that
6501-00 Hardware counts per revolution
= integer value.
You are allowed to set whatever integer value less than or equal to the
maximum number of physical steps per revolution
(see the hardware counts
per revolution in the encoder identification label and the
Default = 0000 2000h (8,192 cpr)
When you set a new value next to the
and be sure that the resulting number of revolutions complies with the
Hardware number of revolutions
of the device (16,384 revolutions, see the
6502-00 Hardware number of turns
Let's suppose that the encoder is programmed as follows:
: 8,192 cpr
= 8,192 (cpr) * 4,096 (rev.)
Let's set a new singleturn resolution, for instance:
= 360 cpr.
time, we will get the following result:
Number of revolutions
33 554 432 (
= 93,206.755...
360 (
As you can see, the encoder is required to carry out more than 93,000
revolutions, this cannot be as the hardware number of revolutions is, as stated,
16,384. When this happens, the encoder falls into an error signalling the faulty
condition through the diagnostic LEDs (see on page 26).
When you enable the scaling function (bit 2
objects that are consistent with the physical values. In the
case of inconsistent values, the system will warn about the wrong
parametrization and fault condition by means of the dedicated objects and
visually by means of the diagnostic LEDs.
MAN SFA_5000_10000_EC E 1.0.odt
6 - EtherCAT® interface
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