1. General information
Please read these operating instructions careful-
ly before going to work with the safe encoder,
mounting it or commissioning it.
This document is the English translation of the
original German version.
These operating instructions guide the technical
staff of the machine manufacturer or of the
machine user for safe assembly, electric installa-
tion, commissioning, and for operating the safe
In addition, the planning and operation of protec-
tion devices such as the safe encoder require
technical competence that is not the subject of
this document.
Basically, the legal and official requirements are
to be adhered to when operating the safe
The safe encoder may only be mounted, com-
missioned, inspected, serviced and operated by
authorized persons.
Authorized persons are:
• persons with a suitable technical training and
• who have been trained in the operation by the
machine user and
• have been informed about the applicable safety
guidelines and
• have access to these operating instructions.
2. Function of the encoder
The encoder types of the 58x3SIL / 70x3SIL fam-
ily supply an absolute and an incremental signal.
The absolute position is transmitted in the form
of a digital SSI or BiSS data word. With the sin-
gleturn variants 5853SIL, 5873SIL and 7053SIL,
the resolution is between 10 bits and 17 bits,
depending on the variant. In contrast to the sin-
gleturn variants 5853SIL / 5873SIL / 7063SIL, the
multiturn variants 5863SIL / 5883SIL / 7053SIL
have in addition a gear for detecting positions
greater than 360°. The number for detecting the
revolutions amounts to 12 bits.
The incremental position is provided by an ana-
logue sine/cosine signal. The resolution per rev-
olution is 2048 sine/cosine periods.
The encoders are equipped with large, inter-
locked bearings, ensuring that the encoders are
very rugged, accurate with a long service life.
The IP protection rating of the encoders is either
IP65 or IP67, depending on the shaft seal fitted.
As a result of the optical scanning of the single-
turn and the multiturn, the encoders remain
insensitive to magnetic fields.