IFC 050
09/2016 - 4002184003 - MA IFC 050 R03 en
Application error
F current output A
Error, operational fault in current output.
Parameter or hardware error. No
measurement possible.
Defective, replace electronic unit.
F current output C
F software user interface
Fault revealed by CRC check of operation
Replace electronic unit.
F hardware settings
The set hardware parameters do not match
the identified hardware. A dialogue appears
in the display.
Answer queries in dialogue mode, follow
Defective, replace electronic unit.
F hardware detection
Existing hardware cannot be identified.
Defective, replace electronic unit.
F RAM/ROM error IO1
A RAM or ROM error is detected during the
CRC check.
Defective, replace electronic unit.
Messages on the display Description
Status: F _ _ _ _ _
Application-dependent fault, device OK,
but measured values affected.
Application test or operator action
F application error
Application-dependent fault, but device is
Group message, when errors as described
below or other application errors occur.
F empty pipe
1 or 2 measuring electrodes are not in
contact with the medium; measured value is
set to zero. No measurement possible.
Measuring pipe not filled; function
dependent on C1.3.2. Check installation. Or
electrodes completely insulated e.g. by oil
film. Clean!
F flow exceeding limit
Measuring range exceeded, filter setting
limits measured values. No message if
empty pipe.
Limitation C1.2.1, increase values.
If this limit occurs sporadically in processes with air pockets, solid contents or low
conductivity, then either the limit has to be increased or a pulse filter used so as to quell
the error messages and also reduce the measurement errors.
F field frequency too high
Field frequency is not reaching steady state,
a measured flow value is still being supplied
but may have errors. Measured values are
still supplied, but they are always too low.
No message if coil broken or bridged.
If "C1.1.14 settling time" is set to "manual",
increase value in C1.1.15. If "standard" is
set, set the field frequency in C1.1.13 acc. to
the signal converter nameplate.
F DC offset
ADC over-ranged by DC offsets. No
measurement can be performed, the flow is
set to zero. No message if empty pipe.
For remote signal converters, check the
connection of the signal cable.
F open circuit A
Load on current output A too high, effective
current too low.
Current not correct, mA output cable has
open circuit or load too high. Check cable,
reduce load (set < 750
F open circuit C
F over range A
The current or the corresponding measured
value is limited by a filter setting.
Check with "C2.1 hardware" or the sticker in
the terminal compartment, which output is
connected to the terminal.
If current output: extend "C2.x.6 range" and
"C2.x.8 limitation".
If frequency output: extend values in
"C2.x.5" and "C2.x.7".
F over range C
F over range D
The pulse rate or the corresponding
measured value is limited by a filter setting.
Or the demanded pulse rate is too high.
F active settings
Error during the CRC check of the active
Upload backup 1 or backup 2 settings, check
and adjust if necessary.
F factory settings
Error during the CRC check of the factory
Messages on the display Description
Status: F _ _ _ _ _
Operational fault in device, mA output
3.6 mA or set fault current (depending
on the seriousness of the fault), status
output open, pulse / frequency output:
no pulses
Repair necessary.