IFC 050
09/2016 - 4002184003 - MA IFC 050 R03 en
A6 digital outputs
A6.1 max. pulse rate
Setting the maximum pulse rate.
Limit is 120% of this pulse rate.
A6.2 pulse value unit
Selection of the unit from a list, depending on the "measurement".
A6.3 value p. pulse
Setting for pulse output D (volume or mass value per pulse).
Setting: xxx.xxx in L or kg or in the unit selected in A6.2
A7 process input
A7.1 device serial no.
Shows the serial number of the system (C5.1.3).
The following process input parameters are only available, if the quick access has been activated in the menu "setup /
device / quick setup" (C6.8.3).
A7.2 zero calibration
Display of actual zero calibration value.
Query: calibrate zero?
For settings refer to C1.1.1.
A7.3 size
Select from size table.
A7.4 GKL
Set value according to information on nameplate; range: 0.5
A7.5 field frequency
Setting as on flow sensor nameplate = line frequency x value (from the following
list): 1/2; 1/4; 1/6; 1/8; 1/12; 1/18; 1/36; 1/50
A7.6 flow direction
Define the polarity of the flow direction.
Select: normal direction (according to the arrow on the flow sensor) / reverse
direction (in the opposite direction to the arrow)