IFC 050
09/2016 - 4002184003 - MA IFC 050 R03 en
C1.4.3 calibration date
Shows the date on which the flow sensor was calibrated.
C1.4.4 serial no. sensor
Shows the serial umber of the flow sensor.
C1.4.5 V no. sensor
Shows the order number of the flow sensor.
C1.4.6 sensor electr. info
Shows the serial number of the circuit board, the software version number and the
calibration date of the circuit board.
C1.5 simulation
C1.5.2 volume flow
C1.5.2 mass flow
For sequence refer to B1.1.
Setting / Description
C2 I/O (Inputs/Outputs)
C2.1 hardware
C2.1.1 terminals A
Select: off (switched off) / current output
C2.1.2 terminals D
Select: off (switched off) / frequency output / pulse output / status output / limit
C2.2 current output A
C2.2.1 range 0%
Current range for the selected "measurement", e.g. 4...20 mA, corresponds to
xx.x mA; range: 0.00
20 mA
Condition: 0 mA
1st value
2nd value
20 mA
C2.2.2 extended range
Min. and max. limits of current values. If the current range is exceeded, the current
is set to these limits.
xx.x mA; range: 03.5
21.5 mA
Condition: 0 mA
1st value
2nd value
21.5 mA and out of current range
C2.2.3 error current
Specify error current.
xx.x mA; range: 3
22 mA
Condition: outside of extended range
C2.2.4 error condition
Set the error conditions.
Select: error in device (error category [F]) / application error (error category [F]) /
out of specification (error category [F] & [S])
C2.2.5 polarity
Set polarity; please note flow direction in C1.2.2!
Select: both polarities (plus and minus values are displayed) / positive polarity
(display for negative values = 0) / negative polarity (display for positive values = 0) /
absolute value (always displays positive, with both negative and positive values)
C2.2.6 low flow cutoff
Sets the measurement to "0" for low values.
x.xxx...x.xxx%; range: 0.0
(1st value = switching point / 2nd value = hysteresis);
condition: 2nd value
1st value
C2.2.7 time constant
Range: 000.1
100 s
C2.2.8 information
Serial number of the I/O board, software version number and production date of the
circuit board.
C2.2.9 simulation
For sequence refer to "B1.2 current output A".
C2.2.10 4mA trimming
Trimming of the current at 4 mA.
Reset to 4 mA restores the factory calibration.
Used for HART