IFC 050
09/2016 - 4002184003 - MA IFC 050 R03 en
C6.6.4 password quick set
Password required to change data in the menu "quick setup".
0000 (= to this menu without password)
xxxx (password required); range 4 digits: 0001
C6.6.5 password setup
Password required to change data in the menu "setup".
0000 (= to this menu without password)
xxxx (password required); range 4 digits: 0001
C6.7 units
C6.7.1 volume flow
/h; m
/min; m
/s; L/h; L/min; L/s (L = litres);
cf/h; cf/min; cf/s; gal/h; gal/min; gal/s;
IG/h; IG/min; IG/s;
free unit (set factor and text in the next two functions, sequence see below)
C6.7.2 Text free unit
For text to be specified refer to
Set free units
on page 62:
C6.7.3 [m
Specification of the conversion factor, based on m
xxx.xxx refer to
Set free units
on page 62
C6.7.4 mass flow
kg/s; kg/min; kg/h; t/min; t/h; g/s; g/min; g/h;
lb/s; lb/min; lb/h; ST/min; ST/h (ST = Short Ton); LT/h (LT = Long Ton);
free unit (set factor and text in the next two functions, sequence see below)
C6.7.5 Text free unit
For text to be specified refer to
Set free units
on page 62:
C6.7.6 [kg/s]*factor
Specification of the conversion factor, based on kg/s:
xxx.xxx refer to
Set free units
on page 62
C6.7.7 volume
; L; hL; mL; gal; IG; in
; cf; yd
free unit (set factor and text in the next two functions, sequence see below)
C6.7.8 Text free unit
For text to be specified refer to
Set free units
on page 62:
C6.7.9 [m
Specification of the conversion factor, based on m
xxx.xxx refer to
Set free units
on page 62
C6.7.10 mass
kg; t; mg; g; lb; ST; LT; oz;
free unit (set factor and text in the next two functions, sequence see below)
C6.7.11 Text free unit
For text to be specified refer to
Set free units
on page 62:
C6.7.12 [kg]*factor
Specification of the conversion factor, based on kg:
xxx.xxx refer to
Set free units
on page 62
C6.7.13 flow speed
m/s; ft/s
C6.7.14 density
kg/L; kg/m
; lb/cf; lb/gal;
free unit (set factor and text in the next two functions, sequence see below)
C6.7.15 Text free unit
For text to be specified refer to
Set free units
on page 62:
C6.7.16 [kg/m
Specification of the conversion factor, based on kg/m
xxx.xxx refer to
Set free units
on page 62
C6.8 quick setup
Activate quick access in menu "quick setup"; default setting: "quick setup" is active (yes)
Select: yes (activated) / no (not activated)
C6.8.1 reset counter 1
Reset counter 1 in menu "quick setup".
Select: yes (activated) / no (not activated)
C6.8.2 reset counter 2
Reset counter 2 in menu "quick setup".
Select: yes (activated) / no (not activated)
C6.8.3 process input
Activate quick access to the important process input parameters.
Select: yes (activated) / no (not activated)
Setting / Description