Step 30.
Press the “RUN SETUP PROCEDURE” button on the SETUP INDEX screen.
Figure 5-54
Feature Switchboard screen: (Refer to Figure 5-54)
Row #1) The ‘FLOAT MODE ENABLE’ button should be green or in the ON condition by default.
This is required to use the Float Load Cell as a directional control.
Row #2) The ‘ANALOG LIFT ENABLE’ button should be green or in the ON condition by default.
This is required to use the Inline Lift Handle as a directional control.
Row #3) The ‘DIGITAL LIFT ENABLE’ button should be gray or in the OFF condition by default.
This is required to use a digital direction control such as a connected Digital Handle or the jog
commands on the ‘REMOTE CONTROL’ screen.
Row #4) The ‘STRESS RELIEF ENABLE’ button should be green or in the ON condition by default.
This feature is occasionally used for very specific situations to load adjust the gearbox.
Row #5) The ‘IMPULSE LIMITING ENABLE’ button should be green or in the ON condition by default.
This feature limits the speed momentarily when a sudden increase in load is detected.
This allows a settling effect on the hoist and decreases the odds of having the hoist impact
and loss of control of a part attempting to be picked up.
Buttons) Press the ‘BACK TO INDEX’ button to return to the SETUP INDEX screen.
Press the ‘GO TO POSITION CALIBRATION’ to go to the next screen.