KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
PWR-01 Interface Manual
Conflict errors during trigger function execution
These errors occur settings are in conflict with the existing settings.
Error code
Error message description
+211 Conflicts with TRANsient in prog-
Configuration is not possible because a TRAN-
sient subsystem is running.
+212 Conflicts with PROGram in prog-
Configuration is not possible because a PROGram
subsystem is running.
+213 Conflicts with OUTPut DELay in
Configuration is not possible because an output
delay is in effect.
+214 Conflicts with Soft Start or Soft
Stop in progress
Configuration is not possible because a soft start
or soft stop is in effect.
Sequence execution errors
These errors occur when invalid or incorrect settings are specified.
Error code
Error message description
+301 Coflicts with OUPut OFF state
Configuration is not possible because the output is
+302 Coflicts with OUPut ON state
Configuration is not possible because the output is
+303 Coflicts with OUP:EXT is active
Configuration is not possible because output on/
off control using an external contact is enabled.
+304 Coflicts with CURR:EXT:SOUR is
Configuration is not possible because output cur-
rent control using an external voltage or external
resistance is enabled.
+305 Coflicts with VOLT:EXT:SOUR is
Configuration is not possible because output volt-
age control using an external voltage or external
resistance is enabled.
+306 PROG:STEP contents conflict with
CURR:PROT settings
PROG:STEP cannot be set because of the CUR-
R:PROT setting.
+307 PROG:STEP contents conflict with
VOLT:PROT settings
PROG:STEP cannot be set because of the
VOLT:PROT setting.
+308 PROG:STEP contents conflict with
VOLT:LIM:LOW settings
PROG:STEP cannot be set because of the
VOLT:LIM:LOW setting.
Errors during sequence editing
Error code
Error message description
+401 Invalid STEP index
The step index is invalid.
+402 Invalid STEP loop begin index
The start index of the step loop is invalid.
+403 Invalid STEP loop end index
The end index of the step loop is invalid.
+450 Program runtime error
Program runtime error
Device-dependent errors
An error in the range [+1, +32767] indicates that the instrument has detected an
error which is not a command error, a query error, or an execution error. The occur-
rence of any error in this class should cause the device-specific error bit (bit 3) in
the event status register to be set.
Configuration conflict errors and configuration change rejection errors
These errors occur when the specified configuration changes cannot be permitted.
Error code
Error message description
+103 Conflicts with SLAVe operation
Configuration is not possible because the unit is
running in slave mode.
+141 CURR setting conflicts with CUR-
R:PROT setting
Configuration is not possible because CURR is
disabled by the CURR:PROT setting.
+142 CURR:PROT setting conflicts with
CURR setting
Configuration is not possible because CUR-
R:PROT is disabled by the CURR setting.
+151 VOLT setting conflicts with
VOLT:PROT setting
Configuration is not possible because VOLT is
disabled by the VOLT:PROT setting.
+152 VOLT:PROT setting conflicts with
VOLT setting
Configuration is not possible because VOLT:PROT
is disabled by the VOLT setting.
+153 VOLT setting conflicts with
VOLT:LIM LOW setting
Configuration is not possible because VOLT is
disabled by the VOLT:LIM:LOW setting.
+154 VOlt:LIM:LOW setting conflicts with
VOLT setting
Configuration is not possible because
VOLT:LIM:LOW is disabled by the VOLT setting.
+155 Conflicts with PROTection state
Configuration is not possible because a protection
function is activated.
+170 MEMory contents coflict with CUR-
R:PROT setting
Memory content cannot be recalled because of
the CURR:PROT setting.
+171 MEMory contents coflict with
VOLT:PROT setting
Memory content cannot be recalled because of
the VOLT:PROT setting.
+172 MEMory contents coflict with
VOLT:LIM:LOW setting
Memory content cannot be recalled because of
the VOLT:LIM:LOW setting.