Overview of Command
KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
PWR-01 Interface Manual
The parameter format of SCPI is derived from the program parameter format de-
fined in IEEE 488.2.
The representation system of the program data that is used on the PWR-01 is indi-
cated below.
Non-numeric parameters
Character string data (String)
Used when a series of ASCII characters are requested.
Be sure to enclose a string in single or double quotation marks. The start and end
quotation marks must match.
If you wish to use a quotation mark as a part of the string, enter two quotation
marks consecutively (with no characters in between).
Character data
Character data is used when only a limited number of values are available for the
program setting. Responses are returned in the short form.
TRIGger:TRANSient:SOURce {BUS|IMMediate}
Boolean data
Boolean data expresses a 1 or 0 condition or an ON or OFF condition. Responses
are returned as 1 or 0
OUTPut {ON|OFF|1|0}
Numeric parameters
Represents an integer.
Details are given in the IEEE 488.2 Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
If a 0 is returned in the response data, it is returned as +0.
Represents a real number (floating point).
Details are given in the IEEE 488.2 Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
Represents a real number (exponential).
Details are given in the IEEE 488.2 Standard Digital Interface for Programmable
The value +3.80000+E02 is returned for the response data 380. The number of dig-
its to the right of the decimal is 5.
NRf is a generic term that includes NR1, NR2, and NR3.
A numeric parameter such as a decimal point, optional prefix, or measurement unit.
The syntax as a numeric representation is the same as NRf.
MINimum and MAXimum are available as substitutes for declaring certain values.
Units such as V, A, and W can also be used in a numeric parameter.
If a value that cannot be assigned is entered, the device rounds the value to the
closest possible value.
The setting resolution of the output-on delay is 0.1, so +1.00 is returned in
response to the OUTP:DEL:ON? query.