KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
PWR-01 Interface Manual
The TRIGger:TRANSient:SOURce command sets the trigger source to BUS, TRI-
GIN, or IMMediate.
The INITiate:TRANsient command makes the trigger subsystem leave the IDLE
state and enter the initiated state. When the Trigger Source is set to IMMediate,
the transient action is executed immediately, which causes the voltage or current or
both to change to a new setting. When the Trigger Source is set to BUS or TRIGIN,
the trigger subsystem enters the WTG (Waiting For Trigger) state.
The GLOB:INIT:TRAN command start the trigger function of all channels.
If the trigger source is set to BUS and the TRIGger subsystem is in a WTG state,
when a software trigger is received, a change is executed.
TRIGger:TRANsient command applies a software trigger to the TRANsient subsys-
The *TRG command or the IEEE488.1 get (Group Execute Trigger) command ap-
plies a software trigger to all trigger subsystems, if there are other trigger subsys-
tems in the initiated state, their trigger functions will also be executed at the same
The GLOB:*TRG commands apply a software trigger to all channels, so if there are
other channels that are in the INITiated state, their settings will be changed at the
same time.
If the trigger source is set to TRIGIN and the TRIGger subsystem is in a WTG
state, when a hardware trigger (pin 7 of the TRIG IN terminal on the rear panel) is
received, a change is executed.
When the operation is completed, the TRANsient subsystem returns to the IDLE
state again. When an ABORt command or an equivalent command is sent without
executing the trigger, the transient action is canceled, and then the TRANsient sub-
system returns to the IDLE state.
When the PWR-01 is turned on, all the TRIGger subsystems are in the IDLE state.
In this state, the TRIGger subsystem ignores all triggers. If you send one of the
following commands, the TRIGger subsystem is switched to the IDLE state, regard-
less of its current state.
Device clear (USB interface) or break signal (RS232 interface)
Operation using a software trigger
When ABOR is sent, INIT:TRAN is cancelled. The VOLT:TRIG setting does not
The following table shows the responses when the voltage is set to 20 V (VOLT
20) and when the target value to which the voltage will change when a trigger is
received is set to 10 V (VOLT:TRIG 10).
Immediately after the setting is made.
20 V
10 V
After a trigger is sent.
10 V
10 V
After *RST is sent.
0 V
0 V
When "VOLT 30" (to change the voltage) is
sent before sending a trigger
30 V
30 V (cancel)
PWR-01 behavior during synchronized operation
If all trigger sources are set to TRIGIN on all PWR-01s operating in sync and the
TRIGger subsystems are in a WTG state, when all PWR-01s receive a hardware
trigger (pin 7 of the TRIG IN terminal on the rear panel), the PWR-01 change is
executed. If the trigger setting is already reserved in PWR-01 with a command
(VOLT:TRIG or CURR:TRIG), changes can be executed with hardware triggers
without a PC.
For details on the connection, see the user’s manual.