Appendix E: Using a Keysight 8110A/8111A Pulse Generator
Model 4200A-SCS Parameter Analyzer Reference Manual
4200A-901-01 Rev. C / February 2017
Signal connections
Basic signal connections for an output of the pulse generator is shown in the following figure. The
output LO is connected to the chassis of the pulse generator.
Figure 615: Basic pulse generator connections to DUT
Triaxial connections:
Adapters are required to connect the pulse generator to equipment that uses
triaxial connectors (for example, the probe station, test fixture, and matrix card).
Probe station and test fixture connections:
The following figure shows connections to a probe
station or a test fixture that is equipped with 3-slot triaxial connectors. The 7078-TRX-BNC is a 3-lug
triaxial to BNC adapter. As shown, connect the adapter to the 3-slot triaxial connector and then use a
7051-5 BNC cable to make the connection to the pulse generator. This figure also shows the
equivalent circuit for the adapter.
Figure 616: Connections to prober or test fixture equipped with triaxial connectors