Technician's instructions KEY Laser III 1243
2 Measuring and configuration
2.1 Control unit service program
Direct communication in the case of missing or damaged files
▶ Example: The file service.exe is not available.
① The BIOS sequence. Output 9600 baud.
The communication software in the notebook is set to 19200 baud; this sequence
should therefore not be read.
▶ ② The file "rominit.bat" starts and switches the baud rate for the service interface
to 19200 baud.
▶ ③ The file "rominit.bat" starts the file "boot.exe" and tests the checksum of the
file "control.exe".
▶ ④ If during the boot sequence you press the service key on the touch screen
display, an attempt is made to start the file "service.exe". Since the file is missing
(or damaged), error message 27 appears, and the control computer switches
the service interface to receive. The following appears on the touch screen dis‐
play: MALFUNCTION Please call service.
▶ INFO: Hold the key-operated switch against the right stop, otherwise the KEY
Laser switches off.