Technician's instructions KEY Laser III 1243
2 Measuring and configuration
2.1 Control unit service program
① BIOS sequence. Output at 9600
baud. INFO: The communication
software in the notebook is set to
19200 baud; this sequence should
therefore not be read.
④ If during the boot sequence you press
the service key on the touch screen
display, the file "service.exe" starts.
The DOS prompt appears for ente‐
ring DOS commands.
② The file "rominit.bat" starts and swit‐
ches the baud rate for the service
interface to 19200 baud.
⑤ Use the command dir.exe to display
the files of the flash memory module.
③ The file "rominit.bat" starts the file
"boot.exe" and tests the checksum of
the file "control.exe".
You can now only shut off the KEY Laser with the EMERGENCY OFF key.