To enable or disable Open Transducer Detection, use the
DIAGnostic:OTDetect[:STATe] <
parameter can specify
An SCP is addressed when the
parameter specifies a
channel number contained on the SCP. The first channel on each
SCP is 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, and 56.
To enable Open Transducer Detection on all channels on SCPs 1 and 3:
DIAG:OTD ON,(@100,116)
0 is on SCP 1 and 16 is on SCP 3.
To disable Open Transducer Detection on all channels on SCPs 1 and 3:
DIAG:OTD OFF,(@100,116)
Thermocouple Reference Compensation
The HP E1313/E1413 performs reference junction compensation
automatically on all channels defined as thermocouple measurements by the
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:TEMPerature TC
command. There are two ways to do
reference junction compensation in the HP E1313/E1413:
1. You can define the Reference Junction temperature to be a fixed
value using the
command. Use
this method if the copper-to-thermocouple wire junction is at a
connection panel with active temperature control. These panels are
sometimes called “ Uniform Temperature Reference” (UTR) panels
or sometimes “ Isothermal Reference Panels” .
For example, if the UTR is specified to operate at 85 Degrees
centigrade, the panel will contain heating elements which keep the
panel at exactly 85 degrees. If you use an 85 degree panel, use the
[SENSe:]REFerence:TEMPerature 85.0
command. Then all future
thermocouple measurements will be corrected for this value.
2. You can measure the Reference Junction temperature during a scan
using 5K ohm Thermistors, RTDs (resistance thermal devices) or
with another “ Custom” absolute temperature measuring device.
(The “ Custom” device is predefined in the HP E1413 as a Type K
thermocouple which has a thermally controlled ice point reference
junction.) Reference temperature is measured during a scan by
defining a channel to be a temperature reference channel using the
command, then including that channel in the
scan list sequence before the thermocouple channels.
142 Understanding the HP E1313/E1413
Chapter 4
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