If you wanted the “ FIFO half full” and “ scan complete” conditions to be
reported you would execute:
1280 = decimal sum of values for
bits 10 and 8.
Standard Event Group Examples
If you only wanted the “ query error” , “ execution error” , and “ command
error” conditions to be reported by the ESB bit (bit 5) of the Status byte,
you would execute:
*ESE 52
52 = decimal sum of values for
bits 2, 4, and 5.
Operation Group Example
Suppose that you wanted the module to report via the Status system when it
had completed executing
. The “ Calibrating” bit (bit 0) in the
Operation Condition Register goes to 1 when
is executing and
returns to 0 when
is complete. In order to record only the negative
transition of this bit in the Status Operation Event Register you would send:
All ones in Positive Transition
Filter Register except bit 0 = 0.
All zeros in Negative Transition
Filter Register except bit 0 = 1.
Now when
completes and Operation Condition Register bit zero goes
from 1 to 0, Operation Event Register bit zero will become a 1.
126 Understanding the HP E1313/E1413
Chapter 4
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