This part of the program starts the measurement and then transfers the
readings to the computer. The READ BINARY x BYTE ARRAY:9 reads
the IEEE 488.2 arbitrary block header. The block header has the form of
#ndd where:
# - means block specifier
n - is the number of d to follow
dd - is number of bytes to follow
In this example the header is #71792000, so 9 bytes are read and discarded.
Then the readings are read in groups of 10 scans of 64 channels and written
to disk. One large READ BINBLOCK command could have been used to
read the data, but this would have required a huge amount of free memory in
the computer.
Notice that the time to take the readings is much less than the time to
transfer the readings into the computer.
400 Using HP VEE with the HP E1313/E1413
Appendix E
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