As the program runs, the FIFO is written to a disk file and all of the CVT
values are printed each time the FIFO is emptied. The amount of data in the
FIFO and the total readings taken are also displayed as a progress monitor.
When a programmed break condition occurs, the HP E1313/E1413 is
commanded to stop taking readings, and is then queried for any errors that
may have occurred. If errors occur, such as “ FIFO OVERFLOW” , then
you need to go back to the instrument panel and adjust parameters such as
the Trigger Timer. If “ FIFO OVERFLOW” occurs, the timer that
calculates a sustained data rate should be used to select a new Trigger Timer
A “ Trigger too Fast” error occurs if the trigger timer is shortened until there
is not enough overhead time to prepare for the next scan. When this
happens, switch to the 1413MAN2.VEE program (see next page).
392 Using HP VEE with the HP E1313/E1413
Appendix E
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