Multiple command input parameters "
[Port Number Key] _ [Port
" can be specified. The _ character indicates a space. For example:
MappSetPortEdit.bat MAPPWebServer 81 MAPPWebServerHttps 444
A management file of the port numbers used in the SVP follows. For example:
The management file of the port numbers is for reference only and should not
be changed. Close the management file of the port numbers when issuing the
change (initialization) command.
<The directory where the tool exists>\mpprt\cn
Verify the port numbers to be used in the SVP. See
be used in the SVP (on page 225)
The completion message is displayed following the service restart message.
The port number key name is case sensitive.
5. A service restart message appears followed by a completion message.
6. At the message
Press any key to continue
, press any key to continue.
7. Exit from the command prompt.
Initializing SVP port numbers
You can reset SVP port numbers to their initial setting. Resetting the port numbers
restarts the SVP. To initialize the automatically allocated port numbers, see
automatically allocated port numbers (on page 222)
Before you begin
Connect the management console PC to the SVP.
Verify the client PC is already connected to the SVP using Remote Desktop
Verify that you are logged out of HDvM - SN.
1. On the SVP, exit to a Windows command prompt as Administrator.
Initializing SVP port numbers
Chapter 14: Changing and initializing SVP port numbers
Service Processor Technical Reference