Notes on Autonomous operating mode for NANL-B500G-RE
(connection to an USB memory device)
If no license for "Autonomous mode" is available, the file "NoLicence.txt"
is created on the USB memory device with the contents: "No valid
netANALYZER license found for autonomous operation. The STA1 LED
flashes red, see section
SYS, STA0, STA1, I/O, LINK and RX (Front
If the power supply of the NANL-B500G-RE is expected to fail during
capturing, the USB memory device can be used with an ext4 file system
to prevent data loss. For further information, see section
If the NANL-B500G-RE analyzer device uses very high transfer rates for
data transfer via Ethernet during autonomous operation and the write
rate to the USB memory device increases accordingly, Ethernet frame
losses occur when storing on the USB memory device, i.e. frames are
discarded and no complete recording of the transferred analysis data
takes place. For further information see section
If when switching on the analyzer device NANL-B500G-RE an USB
memory device with a partition marked as "bootable" is connected to the
analyzer device NANL-B500G-RE, the netANALYZER device may not
start correctly (SYS LED is yellow).
If the analyzer device is used via the UPLINK socket in the interactive
operating mode (see section
Interactive operating mode, connection to
page 38]), and you still attempt to switch to the autonomous
operating mode by pressing the REC key, the file "DeviceBusy.txt" is
created on the USB memory device, with the contents: "netANALYZER
is in use and could not be opened for autonomous operation."
Firewall and port settings
The user must check the firewall settings and make rule settings if
TCP: Add rule to allow TCP connection on port 50111.
UDP: Add rule to allow sending on UDP port 25384 (UDP broadcast
and unicast).
netANALYZER device NANL-B500G-RE | Installation, operation and hardware description
DOC091110UM26EN | Revision 26 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2007-2019