Snapshot size estimation
How many snapshots can be stored on the USB memory device if the
netANALYZER is operated in autonomous mode?
When operating the analyzer in snapshot mode, the size of a snapshot
highly depends on the network configuration and the specified snapshot
time span.
snapshot files are compressed, the size of a file also highly
depends on the compressibility of the captured data.
So it is recommended to observe the size of a snapshot file dependent on
the concrete capture use-case. And make a specific calculation on that
actual snapshot file size.
Nevertheless, following worst-case scenario can be assumed:
A snapshot file will reach a maximum size of 370 MBytes. Due to the
netANALYZER's internal 300 MByte frame buffer and adding the project
file's maximum overhead.
netANALYZER requires at least 2048 MBytes (=2 GBytes) of free file
system space for temporary operations.
Thus the absolute worst case consideration for the number of storable
snapshots would be:
<number snapshots> = (<disk capacity> -
2048 MBytes temp space) / 370 Mbytes per snapshot
For example a 256 GBytes (=262144 MBytes) memory can save 702
(262144 MBytes - 2048 MBytes) / 370 Mbytes =
702 snapshots
As already mentioned, this is an absolute worst case consideration, real
snapshot files would be much smaller due to the data compression used
snapshot files.
netANALYZER device NANL-B500G-RE | Installation, operation and hardware description
DOC091110UM26EN | Revision 26 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
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